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Teresa stayed silent, she didn't like the sound of Thomas. He seemed like the type of guy who has commitment issues, gets board easy and thinks a lot of himself. 

"He'll win you guys over soon enough." He continues, Teresa shakes her head. He raises his eyebrow.

"He will and why is one of your eyes shut and swollen?" He says. Teresa reaches up and gently touches her eye. It is in fact puffy and hot to the touch.

"Got sand in it, and I will not be won over by some guy who goes from girl to girl." She says as the helicopter lifts up. Teresa looks out the window as she plans a way of escaping this place, fight club doesn't sound like the type of place she wants to be.

"What's your name?" Teresa asks the boy, he smirks and turns to face her after looking out the window.

"Aris." And the conversation ends. Teresa moves some random bags and other items around until she finds somewhere comfortable and shuts her other eye. She keeps grasp of a large metal pole in case anything happens.


"Hey Tess, wake up we're here!" Someone hisses, Teresa snaps open her eyes and finds that her left eye still won't open, she knows it's infected. She grabs the pole and effortlessly throws it over her shoulder, puts her hand out over her friends in protected and points the pole at Aris. He sits back down. 

"Trust issues I see, listen sleeping beauty, we're here so put that down."  He says. Teresa looks around to see none of her friends are hurt. Once they are all out the helicopter they are moved into a funny looking building, it is small, the height of a bungalow and the length of a warehouse. Aris comes to walk next to Teresa.

"I think Thomas will like you, you're his type." He whispers, Teresa grits her teeth. 

"Who says I want him?" She replies as calmly as she can. Aris smirks again, Teresa wished then that people would just take her seriously. 

"You might be partnered with him but it doesn't happen often, only when he really sees potential." He says, Teresa looks up at Aris.

"I can try and reserve you with me if you want that." He continues, Teresa nods. She holds her breath. Who are these people? She says to herself. The warehouse is empty. Brilliant. Teresa notices a set of stairs armed with 6 masked people. They let us through after seeing Briggs. 

Once everyone is down the stairs she is faced with the types of things you would see in science fiction movies. They are quickly moved into the modern room. It is marble white with blue lights. Teresa and her friends are ordered to stand anywhere in the room and made sure they were spread apart. 2 men and 4 women came in and each picked someone. A woman came up to Teresa and made her lift her arms up before scanning her down with a small machine with a red laser. She abruptly stops at Teresa's bad eye and purses her lips tightly. 

"Do we need this one?" She says completely ignoring Teresa. Briggs comes in.

"You've seen the files, we need her." She says plainly. The woman turns back and looks at Teresa bitterly before bringing out a cylinder, she presses a button and a hologram comes up from it.

"Number 38, hair colour is black, eye colour is blue, height, 5"5." As the woman speaks, her words are typed in the hologram. Everything goes instantly silent. Nothing is heard except from heavy footsteps. A boy comes in, about 17 years old. Teresa stares in awe, he is wearing blue jeans, a light grey hoodie with a plain black fabric baseball jacket with leather sleeves. His eyes were a light shade of brown, almost like the type of eyes that belonged to a puppy and his hair was chocolate brown, he was perfect and that's when it hit Teresa. That's Thomas.

She couldn't take her eyes of him. None of her friends could. Even Briggs looks mesmerised. He walks up to Brenda first, Teresa couldn't help but feel slightly jealous that he goes to Brenda first. He scans her down and walks away.

"She goes with Bradley." He says coldly. Next he moves onto Harriet, he scans her down. 

"Get Hunter here as soon as you can!" He shouts whilst walking away from her. He doesn't even stop at Lydia, Emma, Sonja or Jenny, he just walks past them whilst giving them a quick glance and telling them who they will be partnered with.

"Russell, Mclennan, Haig and Christian" He shouts whilst multiple people scramble to find the people he is after. He looks over at Teresa before walking up to her, Teresa's heart starting beating extremely fast. He scanned her up and down and then looked over at her sore eye.

"You. You're with me." He says blankly, the woman who was checking Teresa comes over.

"But General, she is hurt, you don't want someone who can barely see." She says, Thomas doesn't even look at her.

"You speak only when spoken to." He snaps at her before turning to face Teresa again. He reaches forward and touches her sore eye. Teresa winces and steps back. 

"I'm sorry" Thomas says, before stepping forward again. Teresa vaguely hears whispers and small gasps after Thomas spoke.

"Let me repeat myself, you're partnered with me." He says. Teresa looks over at Aris for help, she is slightly scared of Thomas, although she still is in awe of him. Aris steps forward and gulps.

"Actually General, I thought...Uh...She thought actually...Maybe she could be partnered with me?" Aris says quietly keeping his head down. 

"Is that so?" Thomas says calmly looking at Teresa, Teresa stays silent. Secretly she does want to be partnered with Thomas. 

"You look like you wanna learn, you look like the type of woman who feeds off a good fight, I think you are best suited with me, so you will be partnered with me OK?" He says. Teresa nods. Thomas smiles, Teresa is taken aback by his perfect teeth and handsome smile. 

"You can talk, I won't bite" He says, Teresa stutters a little.

"Um... Teresa, my name is Teresa but uh... You can call me Tess if you...want" She stutters. Teresa why did you just say you can call me Tess? Teresa asks herself feeling embarrassed. Thomas smiles again before slightly bowing down in respect.

"Pleasure to meet you Tess, my name is Thomas but you can call me Tom." He whispers. Teresa slightly smiled at how much of a gentleman he really was. Teresa was still confused on why every gasped when he apologised. Thomas gently reached down for Teresa's hand, Teresa's heart started racing. Wait! He could be holding my hand so that when he tries to punch me I can't really defend myself. They could be working for wicked! Teresa thinks all of this through before dropping her hand from his grasp, he looks down at her hand and then back up. 

"I don't trust you or anyone in this place. I need to know for sure that neither me or my friends are in danger. Only at that point, will I hold your hand." She says in a strong voice. Thomas looks around before bringing his eyes back on Teresa. 

"They never told me you had trust issues." He says. Teresa straightened herself up.

"Maybe I'm not completely an open book, there are plenty of things that none of you know about me." She says. Thomas grins.

"Then I will have to try my best to get to know you then don't I?" And then he ushers Teresa towards the door he came from. She stops and walks up to Aris.

"Why did you guys all gasp before? When he apologised" She whispers, Aris looks over at Thomas who impatiently waits by the door.

"Thomas never apologises." He replies.

A/N: Comment below whether you want me to stick with 3rd person or if i should do 1st person xx

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