Me too.

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Teresa wasn't thinking straight, she still wasn't sure about Thomas, what she did know though was that what he said was true, she could see in his eyes he wasn't lying about this. She let go quickly, don't forget he lied to you, don't let your emotions get the better of you. 

Thomas cheeks were polished and his eyes were slightly red. He wiped his eyes with his sleeves and lay on the wall of the helicopter. 

"You lied to me." She whispers, Thomas looks over, his deep brown eyes glazed over. 

"When did I lie?" He asks. Teresa stops, thinks over all their conversations.

"When you were telling me about yourself, you didn't tell me you were in Wicked, you didn't exactly jump at the chance to tell me about our connections in the past." She replies proudly. Thomas smiles, a genuine smile, not a big one, just a small curl of his lips.

"That's not lying, that's just missing out some facts." He says, when he notices Teresa doesn't find this funny he crosses his legs, sitting in front of her, he reaches forward and touches the bruise on her cheek, she takes deep, angry breaths. 

"I'm sorry OK? I don't know what else I can say." He says quietly, Teresa squirms away from him slightly. 

"You don't even like me, how could we have been best friends?" She says.

"That's the lie you've been telling." She adds, Thomas opens his mouth then closes it, how can she say that?  Thomas sits for a minute and watches her, she's serious

"How could you even say that, even if we hadn't known each other I would still like you. I like everyone here." He stutters, Teresa shakes her head and laughs.

"Not from my view, from what I can see you think of your people as something you would find on the bottom of your shoe." She replies, Thomas frowns. That hurt.  

"OK then I don't like you." Thomas snaps sitting back next to her, Teresa flinches but then settles down, pretending she doesn't care.

"Fine then." She snaps back, Thomas puts his hand under her chin and tilts her head so she's facing him. 

"I don't like you Teresa-" He starts but Teresa cuts him off.

"I heard you the first time-" She says but Thomas puts his finger on her lips and leans slightly closer.

"Let me finish, I don't like you, I love you." He whispers, then he kisses the end of her nose before leaning back.

"Are you trying to confuse me?" Teresa says rubbing her nose, her voice has changed though, softer.

"No, I was just saying." He says casually, putting his hood up and bringing his knees to his chest. I told her, oh my god I finally told her. 

"That you love me? When you've only known someone for 2 days, them telling you they love you can be pretty weird." She whispers, Thomas turns.

"You haven't known me for 2 days, you've known me for 8 years." He says, Teresa looks at him strangely.

"So I take it you were lying when you said you came here when you were seven." She says, Thomas bites down on his bottom lip. 

"I was 13 when I came here, sorry." He mumbles. Teresa sits up a little more. Thomas leans over to her ear.

"I swear I will tell you everything when we get there." 

*2 hours later*

They hadn't spoken after that, the rest of the journey consisted of Teresa leaning her head on her knees whilst Thomas just stared at her, the whole time, smiling as she made little huffing noises. 

The helicopter dipped as it landed. Teresa didn't even wait for it to properly land before standing up and rushing for the open side and leaping off. Thomas laughed as he looked over, they were only half a metre off the ground. He watched her crouch down as the propellers messed up her hair. Thomas jumped down as she stood up.

"Well done on your life threatening stunt." He smirks. Teresa grabs his collar and pulls him towards her until their noses are touching.

"I wanna know everything about my past. If you don't tell me I'll do a stunt threatening your life" She says gritting her teeth. Thomas gulps as she pushes him back. 

"Of course, yeah." He replies. She finally gets the chance to look around, they were in a town, people were walking around, men in high vis were directing the helicopter safely. A woman dressed as a police officer approaches Teresa.

"You are under arrest for jumping out a moving vehicle, don't say anything because anything you do say will be held against you in court." She says quickly, Teresa shrugs. Ain't the first time I've broken the law I suppose, about time I got banged up.

"Go ahead, make my day" She smiles, looking at Thomas. 

"No, no she's with me." He says quickly pushing Teresa behind him. The woman scans Thomas and then instinctively sorts her hair.

"Oh my goodness, the general, Yes of course it's OK I was just worried about her safety." The woman says sweetly before walking off in a fashionable manner. Thomas walks towards the biggest building and opens the heavy door, standing against it to let Teresa go in first. The room was large, long tables set out in clean rows, everything seemed to be wooden. Obviously this was one of the more traditional fight clubs. Teresa rubbed the back of her neck in shame. 

"It's all my fault we're here, You should have ditched us in the scorch when you had the chance." She mumbles, Thomas laughs.

"Did you forget the part where I declared my love to you? If you were in love with someone you wouldn't dump them in the middle of the desert now would you?" He says, she follows him up the stairs and down the hall to a very large door. Thomas stops to open the door.

"Never been in love, I don't know what I would do." She says, her words bouncing off the walls. Thomas walks into the room, Teresa instantly knows this is Thomas' room and that Thomas had been there before, the room was incredible.

 Thomas walks into the room, Teresa instantly knows this is Thomas' room and that Thomas had been there before, the room was incredible

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He made himself quickly at home by lying on the bed like a starfish.

"You loved me." He says, Teresa shakes her head. 

"No really you did." He adds, Teresa sits on the stool at the end of his bed.

"How then?" She challenges, Thomas crawls to the other end of the bed and lies on his back, looking up at Teresa. 

"When we were 11 you kissed me." He says grinning, Teresa raises an eyebrow, she believed it, she didn't like to admit it but Thomas seemed genetically perfect.

"What type of kiss?" She asked, Thomas' grin got impossibly bigger. 

"Right on the lips." He admits proudly making pursed lip kissing faces just to annoy her.

"Alright then." Teresa says slightly laughing. Thomas sits up, his face showing 2 strong emotions. Love and sadness.

"I've kissed many girls but none of them have meant anything to me." He stops for a second, collecting his words. His voice slightly croaked.

"I still remember the way I felt when you kissed me. After all this time." He says, his voice shaking. 

"I wish I remembered it." Teresa whispers. Thomas smiles. 

"Me too."

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