Get to the helicopter

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Thomas spun around quickly, he heard someone speaking through his own radio.

"Helicopters have been deported from Vancouver, they will be here in 20 minutes." It was Matthew speaking, one of Thomas friends. Thomas wrote himself a mental reminder to ask Matthew which port they were heading to next. The makers of the Fight Club knew at some point it would be attacked so they set up spare forts. There are around 60 clubs open full of people around the world, and each fight club has a spare in case anything happens to it. Their economy is 10 times larger than the worlds economy before the flare.

He ran, once he was out in the open, it finally hit him what was happening. People were frantically running around. His soldiers were already out, hurrying people up the emergency set of stairs, towards the helipad. Wicked guards were spreading out like an infestation of flies. One of Teresa's friends run up to Thomas. 

"Where is she?" Thomas asks her, she shakes her head. 

"Brenda was taken by this boy with scratches on his face, she ran after him." The girl says, trying to keep her heart rate down by the deep breaths. Thomas steps back to look around.

"Where did they go?" He asks. The girls points to the corridor leading to steep, tower staircases leading to the roof of the warehouse for manufacturing purposes, Thomas was confused, he had a sick feeling that Tiger knew where he was going which had to mean someone told him where the most dangerous part of the whole fight club was.

 He made it to the bottom of the stairs, looking up at it, as Thomas' head spun, the illusion of the stairs swaying almost made him sick. He ran up the first five metal steps before taking a sharp right, then he climbed those five stairs and took another right. He made his way up the stairs that were solidly attached to the chimney like walls around him. All of a sudden, Teresa lands on the stairs in front of him. She whimpers as she tries frantically to get back up again. Thomas couches down and scoops her up. 

"What the hell happened to you?" Thomas says softly, Teresa looks up, her cheek is badly bruised. She pushes away from Thomas, he lets her down gently. 

"Brenda." She moans turning around and climbing the stairs again. Thomas rushes up and stops her.

"Get to the helicopter, I'll get Brenda." He says. Teresa stares at him intently, Thomas looks at her icy blue beautiful eyes. Of course it's her, how come I never realised this before? He has fought Tiger before, he's a strong fighter. He was ready though.

Without saying another word, Teresa stumbles past Thomas, he followed her gaze until he had turned around completely. 

"I need assistance at Vertical 5." Thomas called into the radio and within 10 seconds, a woman runs into the clearing. Thomas nods to her and then ushers her to take Teresa.

"I need her at the helipad, put her in the Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk." Thomas says, watching helplessly as Teresa slowly loses consciousness. 

"But Sir, that's a combat search aircraft." The woman replies. Thomas crosses his arms.

"It is not open for discussion." He snaps then turns and runs up the stairs to save a girl he barely knows. He remembered what Brenda looked like, long brown hair and brown eyes, olive skin. He remembered that she was pretty. If Teresa wasn't there, he would have his eyes on Brenda. 

Teresa was here though, and that's all that mattered to him now. 

He could hear things from the top of the stairs, someone was coming down. Thomas could feel his muscles tense in anger. Tiger was coming down to finish Teresa off. Thomas walked silently up the stairs, holding his breath to make himself as quietly as possible, he listened carefully. He heard Tiger cracking his knuckles. They met on the stairs. Facing each other like two gorillas, ready to charge when the other moves. 

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