Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: None of this is mine, it belongs to Cassandra Clare.


I stared in awe as Alec looked at his adoptive brother. I was so worried to see how the shadowhunter explained what just happened. Jace stepped forwards and looked as if he had just seen a ghost. He was drained of all color, and his eyes were wide. They brushed over Alec and locked on me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, and looked to Alec. I am not sure why, its not like he could get me out of this. He couldn't even get himself out and I knew he wanted to. He glanced at me with his blue eyes then went back to Jace.

"Jace... I, um.... I was just-well..... uh. I" Alec stuttered and looked back to me.

"Alec, calm down." Jace said and took a step towards Alec. I saw Alec take a step back, and a tear slide down his cheek. Jace stopped. "Please just tell me why the hell you were kissing the High Warlock of Brooklyn." And once again took a step forward. I turned to Alec once again, who was white as milk.

"Um... Jace..... I am..... um.... I'm kinda sorta...." Alec said, taking a deep breath he finished. "I am gay." And though he said it fast it was still audible. Jace just stopped and stared at him like he was growing a second head.

"I have known that for years, Alec. I want to know why you are kissing him." He said, gesturing towards me. Alec looked at me as if just realizing I was there. His mouthed opened but no words were coming out.

"Well, we weren't exactly kissing. We were about to but then you showed up, and we all see how that turned out." I said, trying to ease the mood. It seemed to make it worse because Alec was the next to speak.

"Magnus, shut up." And it actually came out more like a hiss. All Jace did was laugh.

"Alec, I already knew you were gay. I just thought you would date someone like.... the exact opposite of Magnus." He said, then looked at me. "Not that I am upset he finally found someone." I looked at Alec who was regaining color. Just when I thought this situation was over with, Alec dropped to his knees. Both Jace and I raced to him, but I got there first. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Alexander, are you alright?" I asked Alec, and heard Jace take in a sharp breath. I glanced at him.

"He never lets anyone call him that... and I my voice is amazing." He said, smiling when he finished.

"That doesn't even make sense, but in case you were wondering I am amazing. More amazing then you." I replied and turned back to Alec.

"Can you two not argue by saying crap that doesn't even make sense." Alec said, looking on the edge of tears.

"Alright darling, now whats the matter?" I spoke calmly.

"I just... I don't know how Iam going to tell my parents about-" He paused. "Us... I think. Or at least that I am gay." Alec spoke so quietly I almost didn't hear him. Of course there was an us. Wasnt there? I looked at him again not even realizing I ever looked away.

"Well, for starters. If you want there to be an "Us" then there is. And second, we will deal with your parents when you are ready. Right Shadowhunter?" I said, turning to Jace. He nodded.

"They will be too distracted by me to notice you're gone anyways." He said, and smiled.

"Wait.... gone?" Alec replied, looking from Jace to me.

"Well, I figured you would be spending some time in the warlocks bedroom havin-"

"JACE! NO, JUST NO!" Alec screached and smacked his brother. All I did was chuckle and helped Alec stand up.

"Okay, okay. I am going home now, and Alec-" Jace said, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder. "You don't have work for 3 days, and I don't want to see you at home." And he ran back to his car before anyone got to reply.. I was so overjoyed I barely noticed Alec talking to me.

"Well, I hope you don't mind if I stay at your place becasue I don't have anywheres else to stay." He said. I chuckled.

"Well, no not under the circumstances. If you weren't unbeleivably handsome I might not let you though." I joked, and he smacked my arm. As he looked at me I wrapped my arms around his hips and pulled him closer. His face went red and I heard his breath get heavier. I pulled away from him, and he got a disapointed look on his face. I couldn't help but feel happy that he wanted me to kiss him that badly.

"I think its best we wait until we are alone so we don't get any more unexpected viewers." I said, and began walking towards the sidewalk to get a cab back to my flat.


It didn't take long to get to Magnus' flat, and we rode in the cab in silence. I hate to say it, but it was an awkward silence. I didn't know what to say and ,judging by the tension in the cab, neither did he. I followed Magnus out of the cab and into the flat. When we reached his living room he spun around. I didn't know what he was doing until he slid his fingers into my belt loops and pulled me closer. I moved my hands up to his neck and pulled myself closer to him. Now are noses touched and we staired into eachothers eyes. He moved one hand up to my cheek and tilted my face up. I took one breath in before our lips touched. The kiss was full passion, and desire. It was full of longing and then it changed. Both of our lips softened and I felt Magnus'  toung slide out of his mouth onto my lips. He began licking my bottom lip, begging for me to open. I didn't though, just to tease him. I smiled against his lips and felt him let out a sigh. Eventually I let him in, and he explored my mouth with his tounge. I then lifted my tounge and we began fighting for dominence. He won, which didn't surprise me. I felt him smile against my lips. Then he pulled back. I looked at the clock u on the wall and it was 10:24, I yawned not realizing how tired I was. Magnus smiled.

"Are you tired, darling?" He asked, in almost a whisper. I nodded my head. He grabbed my hand and began walking towards the bedroom. "Well then lets get some sleep." He said, and I followed. I looked down at my outfit when we entered the bedroom. I didn't want to go to sleep in dreams but I had no other clothes. Magnus snaped his fingers and I was in my own black sweat pants and.... no shirt? I looked at Magnus who was now smiling. He was wearing rainbow pajama pants and a white tank top. I was to tired to care that I didn't have on a shirt, so I followed him into bed. He wraed his arms aroung=d my shoulders and I rested my head on his chest. Moments later I fell asleep and couldn't have been happier.

A/N- Thats the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading, and leave your coment telling me what you think. I know I said I would try to post two today but I just didn't have time. I am also sorry this is a short chapter. Anyways, goodbye!

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