Chapter 7

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Hey guys, thanks for reading. Actually a big thanks, I wasn't sure if anyone would read this. I do apologize for all of the many mistakes made in my past chapters. By the way, all of these characters belong to Cassandra Clare. I am thinking that I am going to add a big plot twist soon, so look out. I am going to apologize once more because this is my first fanfiction, and first writing piece that wasn't for school. I am actually proud of it so far. Anyways, hope you enjoy. I am not in anyway shape or form trying to take credit for Cassandra Clares characters, setting, or ships. :D



I woke up and was instantly confused. I soon realized that I was in Magnus' apartment. I looked beside me to see Magnus peacefully sleeping. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him like this. He was so relaxed and calm. I was about to get up when I noticed that I had my arm was under him. There was no way of getting up without waking him up so I just relaxed back into my pillow to think. All I could remember was Magnus carrying me in here, and then falling asleep. I thought of yesterday and how we admitted our feelings for eachother. I thought of how he comforted me when I had broke down. I laughed a little when I remembered our waitress. I turned my head slightly to see Magnus awake and staring at me.

"Good morning, Alexander." He said, a smile creeping up on his face. Then I remembered our kiss. The way our lips touched, the way it made me feel. I smiled back at him, but it vanished quickly. What if it had just been a dream?

"Morning, Magnus." I replied. I tried to recall if the dream was real when I felt Magnus' hand move on top of mine. I looked from our hands to his face.

"Are you alright darling?" He asked, leaning slightly forward.

"Yes, I am fine. Just thinking." His expression now looked amused.

"About what?" He asked, his smile growing slightly. Do I ask him about the kiss, or would that just be wierd? He must have read my mind because he leaned in a little closer and our lips touched once more. I felt myself melt into the kiss, and his touch as he pulled me closer. His hand, which was currently placed in my lower back, moved up to my cheek. From there it went down my neck and to the hem of my shirt. I felt myself tense as I lightly pushed him away. I felt bad, but it was to soon. I did lo-... I mean like him, but it was just to soon. I knew he understood when he removed his hand and nodded.

"You forgot to text your sister last night, she has been calling once every five minutes." He said, and handed me my phone. Now that I thought about it, I didn't remember turning my phone back on at all after we left Takis. I shrugged and texted Iz. Hey Iz, don't worry. I am with Magnus Bane. Be home around noon. I sent the message and checked the time. It was 6:55 a.m., fairly late for me. Magnus, I noticed, had left the room already without making a sound. I went to search for him in the living room, but found him in the kitchen instead. He was making what looked like pancakes. I wondered why he didn't just use magic to get them here, but was happy that I was getting them fresh. About 5 minutes later Magnus placed a plate of pancakes in front of each of us.


I woke up to Alec making a small laugh. I figured that would be a great way to wake up every morning, but no. Maybe in the future, I just met Alec so we were going to work up to having a real relationship. I placed his pancakes in front of him, and he looked happy. It gave me a strange feeling seeing him this happy, but it was a good feeling. I looked up at him as he ate.

 Each bite looked to be the perfect size, and he ate them slowly and carefully. After a few minutes he looked up at me. He finished chewing and then swallowed what was in his mouth.

"What?" He said, looking at me with wide blue eyes. Oh how I loved those eyes.

"Nothing, you just look great when you eat." I stated, trying hard not to hit myself in the head for saying something so stupid. He smiled at me, and then laughed. After he finished eating I snapped and his empty plate, and my untouched plate, vanished. I looked at the clock above my sink and saw that it was now 7:31.  I got upset when he remembered that Alec was leaving today. I slowly looked up at the shadowhunter, who was staring at me intently.

"What time do you plan on headed home?" I asked, hoping it would be much later.

"I was thinking around noon, but if you want I... I could just leave now." He said, standing to get his jacket. I quickly raced to his side and pulled him back.

"And why would I want you to do that?" I asked, giving him a small smile, and lead him to the couch. "Today you are spending the day with me, so text your sister so she doesn't come hunting me down." Alec gave me a small blush and pulled out his phone.

"What are we doing today?" He asked, sliding the phone into the pocket of his jeans.

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