Chapter 28

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I took a deep breath as the taxi drove us to the peer. Magnus sat by my side and had his arm thrown over my shoulder. I looked up at him, and tried to see any emotions crossing his face. The only one visible was worry. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek just as we rolled into the parking lot. I could see the fire from here, and peoples figures walking around it. This was it. I opened the door and stepped out, Magnus behind me. He wore rainbow leather skinny jeans, a green shirt that cut off just below his rib cage, eye liner and silver glitter.

We walked side by side towards the crackling flames, and my heart rate picked up. What if we werent accepted? What if-NO! I didnt care. I couldnt care. Magnus was everything to me. Possibly even more then that. So what is we werent accepted by my family? Yes it would hurt at first, but eventually I would get over it. I jumped when someone appeared in front of us. It was Izzy. She looked at me happily, and then she saw Magnus.

"Alec! I am so proud of you!" She squeeked, and then pulled me into a tight hug that lasted a few moments. When I finally pushed her back I saw her beaming smile. Moonlight reflected off her black hair perfectly. She had on a v-neck lace quarter sleeved shirt and black leggings. Runes and scars showed well from this.

"Thank you, Iz." I said quietly. Then she turned tto Magnus.

"I hope you know that if you hurt Alec after this meeting, you will have a whole family of angry Shadowhunters after you. Right?" She asked sternly. I expected Magnus to get nervous by now, but he seemed perfectly fine as he nodded in response to her question.

"But, I would also never dream of hurting my blue eyed shadowhunter." He told her. I couldnt help but smile. Isabelle just shruuged and skipped off.

The rest of the night kind of went over in a breeze. Only long distance family really saw Magnus and I, so we had been in the clear. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the dock that looked over the peer, and I looked at him curiously.

"Alexander, please do know that I will go to heaven and hell for you. Because now, you are the only thing in life that truly matters to me. Darling, I dont know what I would do with my life if I  lost you, and for now I dont have to." He said in a low voice. I blushed at his words.

"I love you, Magnus." IIs all I could get out. I knew it was ridiculous to say after only two months, but I meant it. Moments passed and he didnt say anything, just stared at me. I looked strait into him yellow-green cat eyes and waited for him to say something. Anything. Thinking he wasnt going to say it back, I turned to leave.

"I love you too, Alexander." He said finally. I turned to see a smile on his face. One moment I was looking at him in disbelief, and the next he was pulling me towards him by my belt loops and we were kissing. Our first kiss in front of everyone. I felt eyes turn and lock on us. I heard a murmer sweep through the crowd. But what I felt was all I needed. I felt Magnus' lips on mine. I felt his touch, and his embrace when he wrapped his arms around me.

Then Robert came and pulled us apart.

A/N So, cliff hanger until the next book comes out. Hope you enjoy reading that one as much as you did this one! Thank you all so much for reading along and enjoying my book!!!!! :)

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