Chapter 20

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Alec had said something but I couldnt hear it because a high pitched scream came from inside. We both looked to each other and then rushed to see what was the matter. A nab stt=ood in the center if the room with a gun.

"Where is Alexander Lightwood?" He asked in a deep voice. I looked at Alec who just stepped bach. He stared at the man with recognision, Quickly, I grabbed Alecs arm and went to drag him back outside. But not quick enough. I heard a scream come from the boys mouth and I looked to see that there was a deep cut going from his shoulder blade to his hip. He dropped to his knees. I turned around and stood between the man and my shadow hunter. He smiled weekily at me before rushing forward. I used my magic to attack him and he fell to the floor just as quickly as the demons had the first day I officially met Alec.The mundanes around us stared in shock. Crap... I instantly did the first thing that came to mind. I said a spell that would erase all of their memories. Then, I picked Alec up and brought him back to my flat. I waited until he was healed to question him.

"Alexander who was that?" I asked. He stared at the floor.

"I.... I dont know." He told me. I placed down the wet rag I had been using to wipe the blood off that I didnt even remember gatting there. I stepped back and looked him in the eyes. "I am no fool Alec. Who was that man?" I tried once again. He let out a sigh of defeat.

"He is one of Valentine Morgensterns men."He said quietly.

"Alright, now why do they want you?" Alecs face filled with pain and regret.

"Because last year I killed Valentines daughter, Kara." He said quietly. My eyes widened and I sat beside Alec.

"Why did you do that?" I asked in a hushed tone. He shook his head as tears streamed down his face.

"She was in the park, tormenting a mundane. I told her to leave him alone but she didnt. So.... so I stabbed her." He told me.

"Well at least you had a good reason." I tried to tell him. He couldnt seemed to have cared less.

"No one even knew she existed. We found out a while back that Clary was his daughter..." He said. This was even more of a shock but Alec was all that mattered.

"Then how did you know she was Valentines daughter?" I asked him.

"B.... because Valentine has sent those men after me before." He seemed to be done with the sybject so I would give him that much.

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