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( HE'S GONE. )


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"KIT!" Jyn's voice snapped the younger girl back to their situation, her eyes falling back onto the platform to find the brilliant green eyes of her older sister

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"KIT!" Jyn's voice snapped the younger girl back to their situation, her eyes falling back onto the platform to find the brilliant green eyes of her older sister.

Kit scrambled to get her feet beneath her, cradling her gun against her chest as another explosion rocked the platform. "We need to move!" She shouted over the screaming fighter engines and the roar of troops scrambling to defend themselves. Kit crouched forward as the two Rebel's sprinted out from behind the crates, their presence unnoticed in the chaos that had engulfed the Imperial facility.

Kit's eyes raked the scene for their father.

Galen was still there, exactly where she'd seen him. He was slowly getting to his feet, his chest rising and falling rapidly with every heaving breath. But he was alive.

Without consent Kit felt her heavy legs moving to close the distance between her and her father, her fear and anger dissipating like smoke against the fire in her chest. But the X-wings were returning for another bombing round, blaster cannons turning the water into acid, blistering Kit's cheeks and arms as she shouldered her way past Imperial officers.

"Papa!" She screamed over the hailstorm of gunfire.

Galen's head rose, his wild brown eyes —Kit's eyes — finding their way to his daughters. For the first time in fifteen years Kit saw her father looking at her. Beside Galen, Krennic stopped screaming orders, his head snapping so quickly to the side that Kit thought he'd break his own neck. His ice-coloured eyes glowed as he found the two approaching girls, ignited with poison enough to stop any man dead in his tracks.

Kit didn't break stride as the Director's hand went to his firearm, her own rifle coming up to level itself with his.

Whether or not he ever pulled the trigger Kit never found out.

She heard the piercing shriek of the explosion as metal was bent and twisted out of proportion, and saw the incandescent fire envelop the shadowy platform. The next thing she felt was the fire touch her cheek as a shock wave swept both the sister's off of their feet, flinging them aside like a child abandoning a useless rag doll.

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