Chapter 1

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Justin's Alarm goes off
He hits snooze and falls back to sleep
Justin's mom: Justin wake up your late
Justin jumps up and quickly realizes he is almost 15 minutes late for his first day at his new school.
Justin: frick
Justin's mom: let's go
He throws on a sweater some jeans his blue hat. And runs out the door
To his brand new Ferrari and drives to his new school. he runs to the main office to grab his schedule.
Principal: why r u here
Justin; oh I'm new I need my schedule
Principal: ok, what's your name
Justin: Justin Blake
Principal: ok *hands him his schedule*
Justin: frick i missed a whole period a group of guys start to walk toward Justin. Opening there lockers right beside him
Kale: so ur the new kid
Justin: yeah
Kale: I see u missed your first class
Jack: on your first day sucks for you😂
"who r u talking to" Raegan says pushing kale and jack out of the way so he could see who it was
Kale ,jack and Justin stare a Raegan for a second.
Raegan:did I say that out loud
Raegan: I didn't mean it like that I meant like wow his hats SICK
jack: sureeee
Raegan: what do u mean sure?!!!
Justin: so u don't like me?
Justin: I'm kidding
Raegan:ok good and I like girls btw
Justin: so do I don't worry
Kale: so what school did u come from?
Justin: Westbrook high
Jack: why did u transf-
*The next bell rings*
Justin runs off to chemistry class and sits down in the only open seat beside Raegan and kale with jack siting behind them
Teacher: BLAH BLAH BLAH *goes on about dissecting pigs next week*
Justin: does she ever stop talking
Raegan: nope
Justin: I don't wanna dissect pigs
Kale: your too innocent
Teacher: boys stop talking please
Kale: maybe she should stop talking he whispers quietly
Last bell of the day rings
Raegan: finally
The boys all walk to there lockers to see Justin standing there
Jack: hey Justin wanna hang out with us after school
Kale and Raegan: what r u doing?
Jack : he seems cool and I'm inviting him over to hang and your place later with us
Kale: ok sounds cool
Raegan: ok
Kale: *hands Justin his phone* what's your number
Justin: 519-555-6215
They all walk to there cars
Kale: Damn Justin u got some rich ass parents
Justin: nah it was a birthday present from my dad
Raegan: so your parents are rich
Justin goes home and sees a text message appear on his screen
K: where do u live?
K: I'm coming to pick you up
J:oh 442 Main Street south
K: We are having some people over tonight and your coming ok?
J: sure
*15 minutes later*
Kale arrives at Justin's house
"Get in" he yells from his car. Ok Justin yells back at him running out of his house and getting in kales car. They drive to Raegans house
Justin:damn his house is huge
justin rings the doorbell and Raegan runs up the door hoping its Justin and not the pizza guy, he looks out the window and opens the door to see Justin and kale standing there. He stares at Justin for a second
Justin:wasssuhh dood
Kale: can we come in
Raegan: oh yeah sorry
he says moving out of the doorway
Kale and Justin walk inside the large doorway.
Justin: wow your house is massive
Raegan: yeah I guess
Jack: hey guys
Kale:oh jacks here?
Raegan: yeah
Justin: who are they
Raegan:that's Damon and that's tish,Danny,Alex and mama stef
Danny: so what are we gonna do?
Tish: I don't know Raegan what should we do?
Raegan: i don't know we could play truth or dare
ok Everyone agrees
They all sit on the floor in Raegans basement.
Mama stef: ok who's you first
Damon: I will
Danny: truth or dare Alex
Alex: dare
Danny: I dare you to... Go streaking around the block
Alex:what the hell is that
Danny: run around the block naked
Alex: do I have to?
Alex: is there like chickens or something
Danny: Nope
Alex : fine

To be continued in chapter 2

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