Chapter 4

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Raegans: what I was just asking him how he likes your guys
Jack: ok?
they all sit on the couch a while longer while watching the movie Justin and raegan fall asleep cuddled up to eachother Justin had his head rested on Raegans shoulder with his arm resting on Raegans chest. Kale and jacks are also asleep on the floor leaning against the front of the couch they are both snorting Kale and Jack have there hands on top of eachother Jack has his hand on Kales thigh and Kale had his hand gently layer down on top of it tish and Damon are on the other side of the couch talking as Tish starts to drift asleep. Shortly after Damon is the last one awake im bored he thinks to himself what should I do he decides to take a marker and draw all over everyone's face he draws a moustache on Jack and Kale and draws penis on Danny's face and writes loser on mama stef and Tish's face and on Raegans cheek he draws a hear and writs Justin in it and does the same thing to Justin but with Reagans name after a bit Damon falls asleep

7 hours later
Kale and wakes up and realizes his hand ontop of jacks he falls back to sleep not moving his hand at all tish wakes up and stares at Justin for a minute and notices the little drawing on his cheek and the hickey on his neck tish wakes up Justin.
Tish: what the hell is that, that was not there last night
Justin: what is what
Tish: on your neck
Justin's mind: shit do I have a Hickey I must what else cause she be talking about
Tish: you have a hickey
Raegan wakes up and sees them talking
Raegan: hey why are you guys up
Mama stef: it's 10:47
Tish: and why is there a heart on your face Justin
Raegan; yeah why does it say my name
Justin: what?
Damon sits up realizes what they are talking about and pretends to still did u know
Damon: *starts laughing*
Everyone stares
Damon: god it was a joke I never realized you two were together.
Raegans mind: shit why did he say that
Everyone wipes off there faces and Justin walked over and grabs Raegans hand everyone stares
Jack: I though u liked girls Justin same withe you Reagan
Justin: nah I'm like really I was just trying to pass better
Raegan: I guess I'm bi cause I did like girls and then I fell in love with Justin
Raegan grabs a wet clots and wipes of Justin's cheek and Justin does the same for Reagan
They all go upstairs
Alex: I'm making waffles he yells pulling the box of waffle mix out of the cupboard and mixing it with water
Raegan: ok
Kale: so if you and Justin are a thing now that means the hickey on Justin's neck is from you? What were u guys doing last night
Justin:*blushes* nothing much we just kind of talked
They all laugh and continue to talk
Kale: well while u guys were upstairs doing whatever you were doing Alex and Danny kind of had a thing.
Raegan: wait what kind of thing
Danny: shut up Kale
Kale: they just kind of had a make out session Infront of all of us 😂
Raegan: wow I didn't even know they lik-*gets cut off but Danny*
Danny:it was nothing
Alex :waffles are ready
Everyone jumps up and quickly races over to the kitchen
Justin: in starving
Damon: you must be after last night
Raegan: oh my god Damon shut up
Justin: you need to get a boyfriend, There's a party later tonight wanna go
tish: woah Justin I didn't think u were the type to go to parties
Justin: I'm not but u guys are and it will be fun
Raegan: yeah sure  babe we'll all go

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