Chapter 2

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Alex runs up to the bathroom and quickly pulls off all of his cloths, wraps himself in a towel and walks down the stairs, everyone laughs😂 do I have to run the whole block "yes" Danny says
Pushing him out the door and ripping the towel off him. Danny looks up and down at Alex and quickly looks away before anyone notices. Everyone runs behind him as he runs down the first street and as he turns the corner a few girls from school in a pink convertible drive past "shit" he yells as the girls take a few pictures and drive away. He keeps running down the street he turns the next corner "I can see the house from here" Jack yells still running behind Alex "you can see the house from Canada god damn it " Alex yells back at them he keeps running and finally reaches the house runs inside picks up the towel off the floor wraps it around himself and runs back upstairs and puts back on his clothes. He walks back down stairs and sits on the floor ok who's next
Raegan: I'm going next, Justin truth or dare pick one
Justin: ugh😒 um truth
Raegan: what's one thing we should probably know about you?
Justin: um😳 I-I'm ...
Kale: spit it out
Justin: I'm transgender
Raegan: oh cool so is Damon, Danny and Jack me and kale are straight but that's totally cool.
Kale: I go next Jack truth or dare
Jack: dare
Kale: ok I dare u to tell me who u would kiss in this circle and then whoever u pick u have to kiss them
Jack: um I would probably pick you
Kale: oh I didn't expect that
Jack scoots closer to Kale he leans in and kisses him for a few seconds
Raegan: um u guys can stop now
They kiss for a few more seconds and kale pulls away "ok who's next" he says quickly after everyone stares at them for a minute with suprised looks on there face.
Tish: Um ill go next Raegan,truth or dare.
Raegan: dare no truth
Tish: ok, do u like Justin?
Reagan:😳 um yeah I do a bit I guess I mean he's cute
Justin: *starts blushing*
Damon: ok my turn Justin truth or dare
Justin: what I already went
Damon: I don't care truth or dare
Justin: truth I guess
Kale: don't be a wuss pick dare 
Justin: no, I picked truth
Damon: ok do u like Raegan
Justin: um yeah
Raegan: I thought you liked girls
Justin: I thought you like girls
Damon: Ooooo
Raegan: I do, I mean u turned me gay
Justin: what? how?
Raegan: I mean like I was straight and then there's you, you just changed me
Danny: this is akward
Tish: Well I'm gonna go watch a movie Justin : I'm going upstairs to sleep
Raegan: same
Tish: ok I'm going to the basement
Justin and Reagan: ok

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