Chapter 3

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Justin and Raegan run up the stairs Justin goes to the guest rooms and lays down in the queen size bed and covers up with the large white comforters

Justin's POV:
God I wish I was with him wait what am I saying he will never think of me as more than just cute *covers his head with the blankets*

Raegan's POV:
Why didn't I kiss him I should've kissed him I can't believe I did that I should have said I liked him a lot I should have said I loved him now he thinks I don't like him. why did i do that, I can't do this anymore I have to talk to him.


Come in Justin says to whoever is on the other side of the door Raegan walks in the room "what are you doing in here " Justin" says
Raegan: I just came in to say I love you
Justin: what do u mean I love you
Raegan: I mean I love you I have since the day I met you
Justin: that was yesterday
Raegan:*scoots in closer* I realize that but I just wanted to see if u felt the same way
Justin: I do, bu-
*gets cut off by Raegan*
Raegan softly kisses Justin . Justin kisses back Raegan puts his hand on Justin's thigh Justin leans forward pushing Raegan on his back not breaking the kiss


Justin is laying on top of Raegan they make out for a few minutes kissing eachother softly   Raegan sits up and starts to
take of Justin's shirt.
what are you doing
Raegan: I'm taking off your shirt
Justin: you can't do that I'm really self conscious about my chest
Raegan: I don't care about how u look I ilove you it's more than that
*takes off Justin's shirt*
*continues to kiss Justin
Justin takes of Raegans shirt and looks at him for a second "wow" he says
Raegan: what?
Justin: nothing
Raegan: what?
Justin: nothing your body is just
Raegan: so u don't like the way I look
Justin: no just the opposite of that
*continues to kiss Reagan*
They continue to make out for a few more minutes.
Raegan: do u wanna go further
Justin: yes keep going
Raegan: rips off Justin's pants and boxers and keeps kissing Justin
Justin: starts to take off Raegan's pants and boxers.
Justin's eyes widen
He regains focus
Raegan:what's wrong?

Justin: nothing it's just so big
Raegan: it's only 8 and a half inches
Justin: may I
Raegan go ahead
Justin: starts to lick Raegans cock
Raegan: *moans* don't play fuck with me Justin he's says grabbing Justin's hair and lightly yanking his head back suck me he yells.
Justin. Yes daddy he sucks on Raegans cock
Raegan: faster h-harder he moans
Justin: are you close
Raegan: yeah
Justin's sucks slower then speeds up
Raegan: I'm about to cum
*Justin licks it all up*
Raegan sits up and pushes Justin onto is back then flips him Over onto his stomach and sticks his dick up Justin's ass Justin lets out a large moan
Raegan: I'm cumming
Justin: already
Raegan: yeah u make me real- moans h-hot really fast
Raegan cums inside Justin and the both flip over on there backs beside eachother huffing and puffing out of breath "that was great" Justin says
They put back on there clothes after laying in bed for a minute they walk downstairs to the basement.
Tish: I though u were going for a nap
Raegan: we were
Kale: what what were u guys doing if u guys weren't napping
Tish: yeah
Kale : oh we heard u
Justin; what? 😳
Kale: I'm kidding why so defensive
Justin: I'm not sits down on the couch beside Reagan
Raegan: wipers to Justin will I see u again
Justin: of course baby
Everyone stares

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