Chapter 7

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The next day
All the kids went to school rumours had been going around about Raegan and the car crash no one really knew about Justin and that it was his car a few periods go by it is finally lunch Kale Jack mama stef and tish are sitting at there lunch table in that back corner of the cafeteria where they always sit Alex Danny and Damon all walk towards the table and sit down at the table
Kale: this feels akward
Jack:I know
Tish: RIGHT?!!! We are just so used to having Rae here brightening up the table
Mama Stef: yeah it even feels odd that Justin's not here and we've only known him like a weeks
\\\--------20 minutes later-------///
Danny: ok well what are we gonna do for our free period
Kale:wanna go down to my place
Damon: I feel like we should probably go see Justin and Raegan
Kale: yeah you ur right
Tish: let's go we only have a half hour
They all squish in to kales car jack sitting on kales lap as he he is driving the car Damon sitting in the passenger seat and mama stef Danny Alex and tish are all squished in the back seat
Tish: isn't that dangerous
Kale: uh i don't know
Jack: I don't care I'm doing it anyways
Damon: whatever just don't get us in accedent like jus-
*gets cut off*
Danny: we don't need to go there it was an accident, ok Damon?
They arrive at the hospital the all rush out. The car.
Mama stef: finally, I hate tiny spaces
Damon: same
Mama stef what the hell are u talking about u were in the front
*Everyone laughs*
They all walk into the hospital and see the doctors talking about Justin and Raegan they all sit  in the chairs next to the doctors and kind of listen in to there conversation
Doctor 1: are u sure The patients in room 13 and 16 are gonna be alright I heard the crash was pretty bad
Doctor 2: yeah they will be they should be getting released very soon
* sighs of relief*
Doctor 1: yeah ok so there getting better
Doctor 2: yeah the one kid should be out tomorrow the other kid probably at the end of the week
Doctor 1: ok
Doctor 2: aren't u the kids that were here to see those kids
Tish: Justin and Raegan???
Doctor 2: yes
Kale: so there being released soon???
Doctor 2: yes, are u here to see them
Alex: yeah
Doctor 2: well u can come see them now but aren't u kids supposed to be in school
Damon: yeah but we came to see them for our free period
Doctor 2: ok, right this way
Mama stef: how are you feeling
Raegan: better I guess, how's Justin
Tish: we haven't gone to see him yet but the doctors were saying that he will be coming home tomorrow and u will be coming home at the end of the week
Raegan: YEAH, ouch
Justin: Raegan be careful I don't want you to be hurting
Raegan: what are you doing in here
Justin: I could stay away from you
I needed to see if you were okay
Raegan: yeah I'm fine even better now that your here.
Justin walks over to Raegans hospital bed and lays down beside Raegan
Justin:*squeezes Raegan* i missed you
Raegan: ouch, I missed you too Justin
Justin: sorry
Raegan: it's ok I really needed gat hug
Kale: awe Jaegan
Justin: what???
Raegan: it's our ship name its both of our name combined, you've really never heard of ship names before
Justin: no what the frick
*Doctor walks in the room*
Doctor: what are your doing in here
Justin: sorry I just needed to see him
Doctor: ok well how did u even know what room he was in
Justin: idk one o the nurses told me
Doctor: ok well just go back to your room, ok?
Justin:fine *kisses Raegan* I'll see you soon I love you Raegan
Goes back to his room and Raegan falls back to sleep and all the kids say goodbye and go back to school

Hopefully putting up another chapter today possibly tomorrow            January 24th

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