Chapter 6

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Justin and Raegan's friends stayed in the waiting room all night waiting for the doctors to say that they could see There friends they tried as hard as they could to stay awake but Tish and Danny fell asleep after a few hours soon after everyone else fell asleep except Kale and Jack
Jack: so what do u wanna do I'm kind of bored and pretty scared for them what if they die,what if they die and we weren't there for them
Kale: but we are there for them we are here waiting to see them and make sure they are ok
Kale scoots closer and puts his arm around Jack
Jack: ok are u sure
Kale: more sure than I am about about this *kisses jack*
Jack:*puts his hand on kales back and pulls him closer*
Kale: kisses faster
Jack: we can't do this in here and I thought you were straight
Kale: I thought I was too
Jack: is it cause we kissed at Raegans
Kale: idk but you had to have felt it to, you like me right?
Jack: yeah I mean that kiss was amazing but we still can't do this in here.
Kale: fine
They go outside and sit in the back of kales car for a second "well are we gonna do this" Kale says to Jack, yes Jack kisses Kale and they make out for a few minutes "ok I think you gave me enough hickeys" Jack says to Kale "ok" they go back inside the hospital and see the doctors talking  to there friends we've been out there almost all night Kale whispers to Jack
Tish:where were you guys
Jack: we were just getting some air
Tish: ok
Doctor: u can go see Justin now and I might be able to see Justin In a few minutes and I don't think I will be able to see Reagan for a few hours
Tish: is there any way we can see Reagan sooner
Doctor: I'm afraid not he's still in recovery
Tish: ok
Doctor:actually you can go see Justin now
The kids all walk over to Justin's room and stand on either side of Justin
He's still asleep as they walk into the room
Tish: I know I just met u but I still think of u as a good friend any friend of Raegans is a friend of mine plz be ok
Justin: *wakes up*
Danny: your awake
Justin: yeah
Damon:don't talk
Stef: Justin u will be ok and don't worry About Raegan he will be ok soon too
*sits up*
Tish: lay back down Raegan is in a different room calm down
*trys to stand up out of his bed*
Justin collapses the doctor rush in to the room making tish and the rest of his friends leave so they could help him back into his bed and make sure nothing is wrong with Justin
It is now 5:00 on Sunday and they are still waiting in the hospital they all have school in the morning Justin is ok now and they had to push back the time that they could visit Raegan a few hours later they are aloud to go see him they all go to Raegans room.and see Raegan lying on the bed cover in stitches bruises and he has multiple wires and cord and attached to him and machines
Danny: hey Raegan
Stef: how r u feeling
Raegan: I'm ok
Damon: your gonna be ok. Ok?
Raegan: yeah I'll be fine is Justin ok?
Tish: yeah he's fine he was just really worried about you
Raegan:*single tear falls down his face*
Damon:what's wrong why are u crying?
Raegan: I shouldn't have yelled at him
Alex: it wasn't your fault
Raegan: i know but if I had died the last thing we would have done was argue.
Damon: it's ok Raegan u didn't die so u have nothing to worry about
Doctor: visiting hours are over and u guys aren't immediate family members are u?
Alex: No
Doctor: ok so it's time for u to go
Everyone:Goodnight Raegan we will be back to see you after school tomorrow.
The kids go back out to the waiting room and wait a few hours it is now 9:00 it has been a long day and they all need some rest they all go back to Damon's house and go to bed

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