Chapter 5

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Later that night
Justin's POV:
oh my god I don't know what to wear I'm acting like such a girl right now I just need to pick out something dorm usually wear like how about this grey hoodie and some beige pants with these Nike High tops there I'm finally dressed I wonder what Reagan is gonna wear he looks hot in anything but I wonder...

Raegans POV:
I wonder what Justin is gonna wear I hope he wears his sexiest outfit, what am I saying he is always my sexy unicorn he picks out his outfit a my chemical romance t-shirt and some black jeans with black DC high tops and a bandana can't wait for this party but what if someone nicer looking someone kinder comes along I'm not good enough for him how did I think I could be with him
Justin gets in his car and drives to Reagans house
Justin: I still can't get over how big your -
Raegan: JUSTIN!!!!
Justin:what I was gonna say I can't get over how big your house is
Raegan: ok what ever lets go
Justin's and Reagan both get in the car and drive start to drive to the party
Halfway to the party and Justin received a text he looked at his phone it was from Jack "we r here where r u"
"on our way" he replies
Raegan: Justin stop txting
Justin: who cares u do it all the time
Raegan: yeah not when IM DRIVING
Justin: SROP YELLING AT ME !!!Raegan: IM NOT!!!!
Justin: YES YOU ARE!!!
Raegan: fine lets just st-
Justin drives through a red light and a large transport truck smashes into the brand new car the air bags go of and Justin's head flew Justin's car flips over and flys into a pole then lands upside down Justin seems to be ok for the most part Justin looks over to see if Reagan is ok and he's not even in the car there is a enormous hole in the windshield Justin starts to panic he tries to get out of the car and look for Reagan but he is stuck his seat belt is locked and the door is jammed he hears sirens then blacks out the ambulance rushes Justin and Reagan to the hospital they are both in septa te rooms Justin is hooked up to an IV and gets a few stitches he has to rest he has a minor concussion Kale and the rest of there friends are notified that Jack is alright but Raegans have far more major injury Reagan is in surgery he has a brain bleed and a major concussion and needs may many staples and stitches they both have many bruises and scrapes. Justin and Raegans friends arrive at the hospital
Tish:can we see them
Doctor: not yet u will probably have to wait atleast 4 hours so they can recover. where are there parents
Tish: Raegans dad is over there and that's Justin's mom and dad over there
Doctor:can u let the immediate family members know they can see him in 1 hour.
Kale: we need to see them like now
Doctor: I'm afraid you can't do that right now
Jack: is he gonna die
Doctor: Justin will be just fine and Raegan probably won't die but he is in a lot of pain and had a lot more damage to his brain and body than Justin did so there is that possibility
Kale: what the hell he can't die that's not fair
Doctor: I know it's not fair and he will probably be okay after his recovery but I can't be sure

this chapter is a bit shorter than the others but I'm hoping to have another chapter up soon 😝😆😚

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