fear sims

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takes place: in divergent, watching others fear sims.

tris p.o.v

"great job, marlene," tobias smiles ," next is uriah."

uriah lifts himself from the seat shakily, then walks into the simulation room.

tobias takes the empty seat next to me.

first, we watch as uriah fights factionless people from attacking his loved ones. second, was heights. now, is his third.

it takes place in the cafeteria.

uriah picks up a tray & walks to the lunch lady.

"hi, ill have the green beans, toasted bread, & a slice of dauntless cake," uriah says.

"i'm sorry, but we're out of dauntless cake."

beside me, i hear tobias gasp.

i look at him, & i see him with a hand over his mouth, eyes wide, staring at the screen with a look of horror.

"whhhatttt?" uriah says, surprised.

"ugh fine. just give me a piece of vanilla, then."

with that, the fear ends, & he goes to the next one. 7 more after that, & he's finished.

tobias, who still looks shaken up, quickly walks to the door to congratulate uriah.

"uriah! that was the worst fear i've seen in a while. i'm so sorry you went through that. but i think uriah here deserves a hand for his true bravery!" tobias says proudly.

when no one claps, tobias repeats himself, a little more sternly this time, & then everyone applauded uriah.

"that took so much courage! i think we've got ourselves a future leader of dauntless on our hands ;) ." tobias says, obviously still blown away.

i'm just thankful neither of them are leaders. if they were there would be like a dauntless cake fan club or something. or have a certain time set aside for praying& thanking god for giving us such a wonderful gift.

i'm starting to question my taste in men.

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