How do i tell the kids??

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Gary's PoV
Me and the kids have been out for about an hour now running.
"Da-dad can we please stop for a minute"Emily says out off breath.
"Oh Emily come on!"Dan say.
"That's the second time now. "
I am about to say something when I am interrupted by my phone .
The caller id reads:
Mum X
I answer"hello?Mum?"
"Gary your dads in hospital."
"Wh.what is he ok?what happens!?"
"He woke up around 3 this morning and couldn't breath they won't let me see him there making him stable and get back in contact when I know more."
"Do you want me to come home ??"
"No Gary don't be stupid he should be fine it's not the first time it's happened."
"I know I know tell me straight away if you hear anything."
"I will I promise. "
"Thank you."
"So how's the kids and the holiday going ??"
"It's going good I was in hospital yesterday."
"What why didn't you tell me !!?"
"It wasn't anything major I just slipped nocked myself out that was it."
"So knocking yourself out isn't a big deal ?? Gary don't be stupid it is what if something happens??"
"But it didn't and I didn't want to worry you."
"Next time tell me !! How are Dawn and the kids."
"Yeah there good I think Dawn and Daisy are still in bed am out with Emily and Dan running."
"Dad can I speak to grandma??"they both say in unison
"Ye one sec mum they want to speak to you."
I put the phone on loud speaker and pass the phone to them.
"Hi grandma."Emily say
"Hi sweetheart how are you."
"Am good were running with dad."
"I know be good."
"I am."
"Hello grandma."Dan said taking the phone off Emily
"Hi honey are you been good."
"Good I'll let you all go and get back to your run and Gary and let you no on updates."
"Alright bye mum love you."we all said in unison .
With that she hung up.
I put my phone away.
"Keep updates on what dad?"Dan said standing up.
"Grandad's in hospital."
"What is he ok dad."
"Grandma said he should be."
With that we turn round and head back to the hotel room.
When we reach the lobby I see Mark with willow and Elwood on the park though the window.
We head to him and I let the kids on the park whilst I walk to mark.
"Hi Gaz."
"Hi mate u oki."
"Ye how about you captain you look worried."
"Ye my dads in hospital again."
"Is he alright."
"All I know is that he woke around 3 and couldn't breath but my mum said that he should be ok."
"I hope your alright mate I should be weres fox and Emma??"
"With dawn in your room talking."
"Oh alright well when I've got myself and the kids changed we will head down here."
"Aright in a bit mate."
"Dan em come on let's go change."
With that they run in front and I pat mark on the back and catch them up.
"I dint want Daisy knowing about grandad alright ??"
"Ok."they both say
We get to the room and Nock on.
Dawn answers it straight away.
"Happy anniversary baby!!"
She says kissing me I kiss back and yell the kids to get showered and changed and Daisy and fox go watch TV in my and Dawns room.
"Gaz what's up??"
"I got a call off my mum says that my dads in hospital he couldn't breath this morning but he should be oki."
"Oh babe I hope your ok."
"Ye am fine just worried that's all."
"Hope you oki."Emma says smiling
"Ye am good em."I say smiling
"How was the run then ??"
"It was alright we had to stop about 10times cause off Emily."
"Dad it wasn't that much."she says walking into the room tying her hair up
I softly  laugh and jump into the shower.
I let the warm water wash all my worries away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hope you guys like this one xx
Rhyce X💙👑

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