2 weeks overdue, 2 days of labour and a cervix and baby that just wouldn't cooperate, it was c section time. Not ideal, but definitely worth it to get the whole thing over with!
A c section is major surgery, and it does require some considerations when dressing for the next while.
1- underwear. I bought larger, full bum underwear for after the birth. They were not large enough. Underwear is so important because you want it to go well above your incision. Nothing worse than having that getting rubbed up on! Get cheap undies in at least 3 sizes bigger than normal. Honestly they can never be too big. Cause you don't want to have to send your partner out to Walmart at 10pm the day after you get home from the hospital, cause that is the most fun.
2- support garments
These aren't necessary, but I found it totally helpful for the first few weeks home. It pulls all your guts in, and also keeps the incision covered and tight so you have a better range of motion. There's tons of brands and they really range in price. I went with the belle fit based on friends recommendations. Warning- it's so sexy your partner won't be able to keep their hands off you!!
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I don't have any photos of either of these on (for obvious reasons), so instead I'll post another pic of my adorable baby!
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