We pulled into the school parking lot, blasting Zedd, having a mini rave of our own. We got quizzical glances, but once they saw it was us, they dropped their stares. Being a future alpha definitely has its perks. Beth parked in our senior reserved spot, and cut the engine, ending our rave.

She took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." We hopped out of the car and leaned against the trunk, waiting for our third musketeer.

"I don't understand why he never lets us pick him up. Who would prefer walking to school over a ride? A free one at that." Bethany vented. She was as impatient as they come.

"Let's wait for him at the front steps. It would be less of a walk for him." I suggested knowing that she wouldn't complain if she had something to do to pass the time.

We started out on our walk towards the front steps when from the corner of my eyes I saw Bethany slightly tip her nose in the air and take a deep breath. Weird. Her eyes then started scanning the area. My wolf instantly went on guard. Did she sense something I didn't? Was there danger? I also took a deep breath and scanned the area for anything incriminating, but coming up empty handed. I heard Bethany's heart rate pick up, while she started taking more rapid breaths.

"Beth, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just that smell. It's bugging the hell out of my wolf, but I just can't seem to pinpoint it. It's too faint."

I didn't know what to make of her explanation, so I just nodded my head and sat down on the steps. Bethany was making her way to sit next to me when I saw Connor and his neighbor Seth coming up the pathway.

"About time, slow poke. Hurry up before class starts!" I called out to him.

He smiled and ran up to us and Bethany stiffened.

Her heart started racing as she whirled around towards Connor.

Uh oh. I thought. With Bethany's racing heart and sudden movement, I thought for sure she was going to pummel Connor for making us wait.

Connor stopped dead in his tracks seemingly thinking the same thing. He and Bethany had a seemingly endless stare off, until Seth snapped his fingers in Connor's face.

He then whispered, almost inaudibly. "Mate."  

Then a vicious sounding crack filled the air as I dropped to my knees holding my shoulder in agonizing pain.

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