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I closed the door to my office and made my way to my chair. Anxiety was eating away at my insides, gnawing at my bones, as I awaited further intel from my second and third in command. My wolf was still a bit peeved that she was not present alongside her men, but she understood Seth's concerns.

They left about half an hour ago, following my strict guarding detail: 15 guards are to accompany Seth and Lucas. However, 10 are to stay on the territory borders, 2 of those 10 are to run border patrol every half hour. 5 are to follow them onto the Silverlining territory, while 2 stand guard outside the pack house, 1 outside the office, and the remaining 2 will follow Seth and Lucas inside.

It seems dramatic, I know, but risks will not be taken with my pack members. The Silverlining pack are known for their hostile ways and I very much so took that into consideration.

We are awaiting the Alpha at the pack house. Seth informed me through the mind link.

I almost let out a sigh of relief that they made it onto their territory without a fight, but I knew I shouldn't count my eggs yet, because this is only the beginning.

Good morning gentlemen, I'm Beta Liam Hayes and as I'm sure you know, this is Silverlining Territory, so I must ask, what brings us the honor? I could almost hear the mocking in his voice and to think this was only the Beta, the Alpha must be much crueler, more conniving than his second.

I am Beta Seth Matthews and this is our third in command Lucas Knight from the Darkmoon Pack, we're here to speak with the Alpha, we have pressing matters to address. Seth quipped, keeping his cool, while stressing his authority.

Well, I'm sorry to inform you, but our Alpha is away on Pack duty, so whatever you wanted to discuss, you would have to do so with me.

There was silence, or was it a hesitation, merely hearing through the mindlink definitely has its setbacks.

Very well then, follow me so we could have some privacy.

Where the hell are they going?! What did they agree to?!

Sorry, Alpha, but we are following Beta Hayes to his office. Seth seemed to have forgotten you were tied in via mindlink and couldn't see him nod his head. There seemed to be a trace of dry humor in Lucas' voice, as I wondered where it stemmed from.

I am only mildly humored by the glare on Seth's face as I corrected his error.

I heard a low growl in the background and panic shot through me. Were they planning an attack?!

No need for alarm Alpha, that was only Seth. He isn't too pleased with my sense of humor.

I let out a giggle, before I realised that Lucas has been answering my unspoken questions. It was really creepy, too because he can't even see my face, so how could he even know what I'm thinking?

We are connected via mindlink, Alpha. So, I, as well as Seth and the guards accompanying us, are all clued in to your thoughts because you haven't blocked your personal thoughts from the conversation.

Yeah, and while we're on this topic, can you tone down the yelling. I'm sorry your experience in the conversation is so limited, but try not to fry our brains. Even your thoughts have a set of lungs!

I rolled my eyes at Seth's dramatization and quickly put up a block on my personal mindlink. I would have to constantly remember that, because I am still not all too familiar with the ins and out of this telepathic communication.

Please sit, make yourselves comfortable. There was a brief pause before Beta Hayes continued. So, what are these "pressing" matters, we must speak of. My hands gripped the side of the chair I was sitting on reflexively. My wolf was not pleased with his condescending tone.

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