Seth beeped the horn outside, while I was giving myself a final once over in the mirror. I was dressed in dark denim frayed high waisted shorts, with a sleeveless, short black button down shirt, with only the last three buttons buttoned, exposing my red lacy bralette underneath, paired off with my black sandals. My hair was gathered at the sides and clipped in the back, giving off the half up, half down do. My eyes were heavily outlined with black eyeliner, my eyelashes tamed with mascara, and my lips were painted red. I looked ready to have fun tonight.

I'm sure you look perfect, so please join me in the car so we can leave. Seth requested impatiently through the mind link.

I smirked, but grabbed my mini over the shoulder bag and was out the door.

"I see my assumptions were right." Seth greeted. "I see I'm going to have a hard time looking over you tonight." His eyes raked over my outfit, lingering at the bralette, before clearing his throat and putting the truck in drive.

It was hard to miss Nathan's house with the pumping music, making the whole street vibrate. Seth parked at the end of the block and we got out and headed towards the house. The front of the house was littered with humans who couldn't hold their liquor, all armed with red cups. It was pathetic really, it was only 10 o'clock and they were already off their faces. Regardless of being a werewolf and having a more advanced resistance to liquor, I would still try to pace myself, so I could still enjoy and try to remember majority of the party.

We made our way towards the house. My lip curled up in distaste as I smelled the putrid smell of vomit. A boy stumbled over to us.

"Hey sexy." He drawled lazily. His breath reeked of liquor and Seth quickly grabbed my hand steering me away from him.

"See what I mean?" He whispered in my ear.

I looked him over. He was wearing a white v neck, paired with low slung dark washed jeans.

"I could say the same."

We walked inside and while the stench of vomit decreased, the smell of liquor and sweat took its place. We made our way to the kitchen to get a drink. Before we could even pour something ourselves, Nathan handed over two cups filled to the brim of a peculiar looking substance.

"It's my specialty, Chemical X. Since it takes a were longer to get drunk, this speeds up the process." He supplied before throwing us a wink. "There's more in the fridge if you'd like." He called out before leaving the kitchen.

Seth shrugged and started to drink. He sensed my hesitation.

"I thought you wanted to unwind for the night." He mocked.

I scowled at him and brought the cup up to my lips, effectively finishing it in one go. I smirked at him and went to get more.

He caught my hand in the process. "Easy there."

I shook his hand off. "I can handle myself, thank you very much."

I reached for the container again, but it was snatched out of my reach.

I turned to the culprit, glaring.

"I said, no." Seth smirked, knowing our height difference.

"You're not the boss of me. Dammit, you're not even really my boyfriend." I seethed.

Seth's easy going smirk dropped at my words. He set the container down on the counter.

"Great, let me know when you're ready to go then." He chugged the rest of his cup and threw it away, walking out of the kitchen.

I knitted my eyebrows together at his reaction. I didn't say anything that wasn't true. What was his problem? I shrugged pouring myself another cup and finishing it. I started to feel light euphoric feeling of tipsiness and I was ready to party.

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