Bethany and Connor did not show up to the party. In fact I didn’t see them for the whole following week. Just as Seth had predicted, my time was consumed with him, on and off the job and I wasn’t complaining. I could see why he and my brother were such great friends. He kept up with the boyfriend act, much to my dismay, and the pack was eating up our act, including my parents.

"Any word from Bethany or Connor?" Seth asked, noticing me zone out.

"Nope, still MIA, with not even a call or text to let me know they're okay."

"We should stop by to see if they're okay. They are still members of this pack."

I grimaced, hating that he was right, but I was still mad at my two supposed best friends for not even making an effort to contact me. They stood me up on my birthday and they didn't even come see how I was after my shifting. I thought we were all in this together. So much for best friends, huh?

"Whatever." I grumbled, getting up from sulking on the couch and making my way towards the door.

Seth followed me out, choosing not to reply and rile me up even more. Good choice. I'm lucky to have him as my Beta. He learned my tendencies rather quickly and I trust him wholeheartedly. However, I would never admit this to him. That cocky son of a gun, does not need anything else to inflate that huge ego of his.

I slammed the passenger door to his truck and looked over at him with a smirk, watching him think better than making a comment about the condition of “his baby”. He met my smirk with a roll of his eyes and we were off, heading in the direction of Bethany’s house.

Her car was parked in the driveway and I let out a small growl. My wolf and I were displeased with her loyalty. Seth quirked an eyebrow at my mild outburst, but said nothing. We walked up to the door and rang the bell. It was so awkward for me because I was just used to walking inside. We waited for someone to answer the door. Sensing my impatience, Seth rang the doorbell again. After waiting two more minutes, I banged on the door. I knew she was home, she wouldn’t go anywhere without her car, wolf or not.

The door swung opened to reveal a disheveled looking Bethany. She was out of breath and panting, and that's saying something due to our wolf stamina. I was immediately worried. Bethany looked from me to Seth, confused.

"We hadn't heard from you in over a week, Beth. We were worried." I supplied.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"It's been a week, already?" She let out.

Now I was growing even more worried for my best friend. What was going on in her life that kept her out of the loop for so long?

"Beth, are you okay?"

The door opened wider and an equally disheveled and shirtless Connor appeared. I tilted my head momentarily confused.

Sniff the air. My wolf advised me.

She's in heat. Seth clued me in via our personal mind link.

My eyes narrowed in speculation. My keen eyes clued in on her inside out shorts and hastily buttoned shirt. They were having sex. They both forgot about me, their supposed best friend, to have raunchy sex for over a week. My eyes zeroed in on the crescent moon mark on the hollow of her collarbone and that did it for me. I turned around and left.

“Sam, wait up! Sam, stop, it’s not what it looks like.”

I whirled around at that cliche response.

“Isn’t what it looks like? You two” I paused glaring at Connor. “haven’t so much as shot a text message my way since you found out you were mates. You’re too busy being up each other and you know what? That’s fine. I’ll leave you two to it. Let’s go, Seth.” I turned back around and continued heading to the truck.

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