I scowled out the truck window, grimacing at the scenery passing us by on our way to my house. This was so embarrassing. I know shifting was supposed to be the most liberating feeling to ever occur to us Weres, but I didn't imagine being so... free. Now I was stuck here wearing Seth's not so modest white t-shirt, which barely covered my rear. I was so not happy.

"Brighten up a bit. It could be worse." Seth tried to soothe. I answered him with a growl, which just cause him to laugh lightly.

"Imagine, I didn't take you away, you would have put on quite a show at the school."

I reddened at the thought and glanced over at him to see him looking at my thighs. I crossed my legs.

"Yet here I am, wearing a flimsy, practically see through white t-shirt, with nothing underneath. I am still embarrassed nonetheless."

He laughed and I just continued to scowl out the window.

We pulled up to my house and I took a deep breath. I couldn't go in like this. I turned to Seth, who was already looking at me.

"You want me to go in your room and bring you back clothing." He supplied, not even needing me to prompt him.

"Yes, I will continue to save your day, Miss. Alpha."

I scowled at him. "Don't call me that. I'm not alpha, yet." He just shook his head in response, seemingly holding in another laugh as he got out of his truck.

"Say, how'd you get your truck, I'm pretty sure you walked to school this morning."

He smirked. "Let's just say we took a detour before going to that field."

I rolled my eyes at his vagueness as he slipped away into my house.

I got bored around 30 seconds into the wait and started fiddling around with the radio stations. Settling on a Top 40 station, I leaned back in the chair, closing my eyes. I hummed away at the popular playlist, losing myself in the music.

"I always loved walking past your room to hear you singing in the bathroom." I jerked awake, cursing myself for not being more on guard. I was a wolf for goodness sake.

Gaining control of my nerves, I raised an eyebrow at Seth's peculiar remark.

"Creep." I concluded, sending him into a fresh fit of laughter.

I smiled, liking our easy way of banter.

"So anyways, I figured you wouldn't want to raise a questioning eye in clothes that you clearly didn't leave the house in, so I tried my best match what you were wearing this morning, with that whole angel theme going on."

I snorted. "There was no angel theme going on."

"Well, you could've fooled me, with your all white outfit and heavenly looks."

I burst into laughter. "Can you not."

He feigned innocence. "What?" He batted his eyelashes.

"You are so annoying. Give me my clothes!"

"I'm annoying?!"

"Yes, this is the most we've ever talked and you will not stop poking fun at me."

"It's all in good faith." He winked.

I suppressed a smile. Not wanting to encourage him. "Whatever, clothes, please."

He handed over a white jersey dress with gold strappy sandals. I crawled over into the back of his truck, where the trunk was a ducked down behind the seats to get dressed.

"Don't look." I warned, peeking over the seats and making eye contact with him in his rear view mirror.

"No promises." He smirked. "I'm still a guy."

I rolled my eyes at him and ducked down to change. After finishing I crawled back into the passenger seat and threw his shirt at him. He smirked bringing it up to his nose taking a deep breath.

"You really are a creep."

"A guy." He corrected.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I looked down at my outfit. "Not bad for a guy." I joked

Seth threw an incredulous look in my direction. "Excuse me honey, but my taste is fab." He said while snapping his fingers.

I burst out laughing. This guy was too much, no wonder him and my brother usually spent every waking minute with one another. Well, before my brother found his mate, which reminded me that today he was leaving, after his going away party. The mood shifted to a less enthusiastic one. I was sad. I didn't want my brother to leave.

"Oh, I almost forgot one thing." He reached into his pocket pulling out a jewelry box. "Can't forget to accessorize!" He girlishly cheered.

I opened the box and pulled out a gold chain, with a ruby pendant. It was beautiful, but unfamiliar.

"Where'd you get this from? I don't recall ever having this." I questioned.

"Of course you haven't. Happy birthday!" He smiled. He was so infectious and so genuine that I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you, Seth, but you really shouldn't have."

"I wanted to get in good with our future alpha." He smirked, joking around.

"You are something else." I nudged him. "I have no idea how Cassius puts up with you." I said referencing my brother.

He pulled a faux appalled face at me, before dropping it into his inevitable grin. "Turn around and let me put it on you."

I abided by his command and turned away from him. He gathered up all my hair and told me to hold it up. His fingers fastened the necklace around my neck, but lingered momentarily. His cool fingers caused me to slightly shudder. I dropped my hair and turned back to look at him.

"Well, shall we?" I suggested, seemingly taking him out of thought.

"We shall." He grinned. "But just a heads up, majority of the pack's inside to see your brother, Cassius, off. There will be a lot of attention on you once you enter, because not only is it your birthday, but you also shifted for the first time. Show them their new leader."

I nodded, taking in his advice with a deep breath. I let it out through my mouth, rolled my shoulders back, and opened my door.

"Let's do this!" I called out, no longer fearing what the future held for me.

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