“Make it stop, make it freaking stop!” I screech at the top of my lungs. I clawed at the grass, pulling up chunks, as my ankle and knee simultaneously popped. “Mother of all that is holy, WHY ME?!”

My screams echoed across the trees, making birds take flight. My arm cracked, my hands following shortly, sending my face quickly in the ground. I cried out in agony, dirt filling my mouth, but being the least of my worries.

“HOLY SH-” I was cut off by my back snapping, sending  my whole body into a frenzy. I went to cry out in pain, but I soon realized I didn’t feel any. Weird. I opened my eyes to find myself in a field. Trees bordered the open field, but other than that it was empty. I heard an awkward cough to my left and whirled my head in that direction. I looked down to see Seth, standing there cautiously staring at me. What’s his problem? Wait a minute, I looked down? Since when I taller than 6’3 Seth? He was a full foot taller than me!

I opened my mouth to speak, but a series of snarls come out, and I quickly snapped it shut. I took a look around and I really looked. I could see the faint stream about 3 miles away and the birds dipping in it. I could see past the stream, into the seemingly never ending forest.

I kept looking around, but what really got my attention was myself. I looked down at my red fur. I held my paws out, examining my sharp, hazardous claws. I grinned.

We’re beautiful aren’t we? A velvet voice rang out in my head.

I looked around for the source of the voice, but only saw Seth watching me.

It’s me, Samantha. Rosa, your wolf. Thrill shot through me! My wolf! I could finally speak to my wolf! And change into her, too! Everybody watch out because the lean mean, Samantha machine is out on the prowl.

A delicate laugh rang out through my head. You have always been very funny.

Funny? How would she know? Is she reading my thoughts?

They are my thoughts, as well Samantha.

I grimaced. This could be a problem.

It will only be a problem if you let it.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Seth, who was still carefully watching me.

I bounded over to him and let out a sharp bark of laughter as his eyes grew comically wide.

I stopped right in front of him and as soon as he let out the breath he had been holding, raised up my front right paw, and tipped him over. He landed with a thud on his rear and scowled up at me.

How do I change back? I asked my wolf, suddenly wanting to apologize, but knowing he couldn’t understand my wolf language.

Just think about being human again.

Sounds easy enough I thought.

I closed my eyes and thought about myself. Red hair. Tan skin. Brown eyes-- I was cut off by a clutter of noise entering my head. It was so sudden and unexpected, I dropped to my knees with my hands covering my ears. Voices. There were voices in my head that weren’t mine or my wolf’s. They kept coming. Back and forth. It was too much and it made me feel claustrophobic. They were all frantic and back to back, I couldn’t take it. It was melting my brain!

“Sam, you need to block it out. Focus on blocking it out and you’ll put up a barrier on the pack mind link.” I faintly heard Seth instruct me.

I tried, but there were just an overwhelming amount of voices, I couldn’t do it.

“You need to focus, Samantha. Focus on them shutting the hell up, it’ll help getting rid of the voices I know you’re being flooded with. I need you to focus on blocking them out.” Seth soothed.

I felt the voices starting to drift away, until all was silent. I sighed in relief, dropping my hands from my ears.

“What the hell was that?” I muttered, mostly to myself.

“The pack link. Everyone was worried about you ever since I told them you were shifting. They’ve been attacking the pack link for updates, but I haven’t even had a chance to get a word in to tell them, you’re fine. I took you out here because I didn’t think you wanted an audience. Plus, if I left you to shift at the front of the school, the few humans present would have definitely been a threat to the secrecy of our community.

I nodded my head in agreement. I looked around.

“So, it’s just us?” I asked.

“Yeahp!” He answered, popping the p.

“Where’s Beth and Connor?”

“Probably somewhere making googly eyes at each other, or sucking one another’s face off, or probably both.”

I shuddered at the thought. I forgot they were mates. Great, now I’ll have to third wheel all the time. I rolled my eyes, getting up, taking another look around. Wow. This place really was beautiful. I was about to ask Seth about it when I heard his awkward cough for the second time today.

I turned around and looked at him, raising an eyebrow at his face, which seemed to be growing redder by the second.

“What’s wrong with you?” I inquired. He shifted on his feet, refusing to make eye contact with me. He’s so odd. I never really spent too much time with him. He was my brother’s best friend and beta, and Seth’s neighbor. He spent a good amount of time at my house, but I always made myself scarce, choosing to be out with either one of my best friends. I peered up at his beet red face and his messy light brown hair, that he kept running his fingers through. What the hell was his problem?

“Well, since you’re obviously not going to answer, can we go, now?!” I demanded rather rudely. That seemed to snap Seth out of his stupor.

“Not yet.” he answered, still not meeting my gaze.

“And why the hell not?!” I cried, frustrated. Instead of replying he started taking off his shirt. If I wasn’t momentarily distracted by his toned body, I might have been outraged, but instead I was ogling his six pack.

He dangled the white v-neck in my face.

“And what am I supposed to do with that?”

“Wear it.” Seth mumbled. He seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable by the minute and it was really ticking me off.

“Look at me.” I growled in my alpha voice.

Seth’s head snapped in my direction. His eyes locked with my own.

“Tell me.” I demanded, my voice holding authority.

He groaned. “Samantha, y-your.” He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw, seemingly getting a hold of his manhood. He looked up at me, determined. “Samantha, you’re naked.”

I looked down and screamed.

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