I woke up to the heavenly smell of eggs and bacon. I stretched my limbs and padded my way to the bathroom to wash up. I still had the peculiar taste of alcohol lingering on my breath, but thank goodness I didn't have the infamous hangover. I smiled to myself while brushing my teeth, now smelling the cinnamon pancakes that also awaited me downstairs.

I finished up and made my way downstairs, grinning. I definitely owed my mom a hug for this awesome wake up call. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Seth in my mom's place flipping the pancakes, with my parents nowhere in sight. Memories from last night flooded me, as I remembered asking him to stay over. I reddened in embarrassment.

"You didn't really have to stay, you know." I stated, making my presence known as I entered the kitchen.

Seth's movements didn't falter, as if he knew I was there all along. He shot me one of his smirks. "I didn't want to disappoint."

I scoffed. "You wouldn't have."

His smirk deepened. "I beg to differ. You should have saw your mom's face when she saw me this morning."

My jaw dropped as I made my way to the kitchen island to have a seat. He saw my parents this morning?! What a way to give off the wrong impression.

"Your father wasn't so happy about it, but he didn't voice any of his opinions, probably fearing your mother's wrath." He continued. "Don't worry, I insisted that it was a friendly sleepover. We both came in pretty late last night."

I nodded my head absentmindedly trying to figure out a way to inflict damage control. I couldn't have my parents thinking we were at that stage of our "relationship", yet. Then I'll never be able to live down the awkward sideward glances my dad was sure to give me after me and Seth leave a room together. I wouldn't even be able to work with him because majority of the time we're alone in my office.

Seth put a reassuring hand on my shoulder as he slid a plate in front of me. "Don't worry about." He kissed my forehead. "Eat up, because as I recall you agreed to accompany me on a date, last night."

I almost choked on my food. "I did not!" I exclaimed.

"Well, would you accompany me on a date today, girlfriend?" He batted his eyelashes and pouted his lips. I would be an idiot not to agree. He looked so cute!

"Okay." I relented and he gave me a full blown genuine smile.


I finished eating and went upstairs to take a shower. I walked out of my shower in a towel and almost screamed upon seeing Seth enter my room.

He looked startled and fixed his gaze on my feet.

"I um, just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna go home and change. I'll probably be back before you finish, though because you know... girls." He awkwardly coughed and scratched the back of his neck. If I had more clothes on, I probably would have smiled at the blush that crept up on his cheeks. "Right, well..." He let his sentence hang in the air, as he cleared his throat once again and retreated from my room.

I walked over to my closet and looked over my clothes. I didn't know what we were going to do, so my safest choice would be dressy casual. I put on my favorite pair of skinny jeans, cuffing them at the bottom, and a nice pink billowy top to hopefully make up for the jeans. It was summer out and a heat stroke would definitely put a damper on our plans. I  put on minimal accessories and makeup, and didn't do anything special to my hair, leaving it out in loose curls, and finished off the outfit with pink sandals.

I tilted my head to the side, hearing a car making its way up my driveway and made my way to the front door. I swung open the door, just as Seth made a grab for it. He looked up surprised.

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