Let me introduce myself

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This is my life story, it's all messed up and jumbled and crazy but there are somethings that you just cant choose. Life has treated me pretty shitty so far, and there are so many things that i wish i could change but it's made me the person I am today. This is how it goes;
My name is Isabella Noel Thompson but most people call me Ell, I'm 17
  In terms of appearance, Im 5'5, long  dark brown hair, emerald green eyes with freckles.
On my 16th birthday, both of my parents died in a car crash. I now live with my Aunt Michaela and have done so since my parents death. So, at the age of 16 i was  left an orphan and thats when i decided i needed to change, what's the point being good if life's gonna treat me like shit anyway. I changed myself completely. Im not the good girl that i was two years ago and thank god for that. My aunt is a lovely woman in her 40's who travels a lot so i get away with much more than any 'normal' child would. I basically have a whole house to myself (the butler, Jeremy is meant to come here everyday to check on me but he barely comes once a month.)  Oh yeah, did i mention that my aunt Michaela is pretty rich? Well she is, which makes getting away with things even sweeter.  I live in a small town in Texas and go to OakWood High School.
But thats enough about me, let me bring you into this mess that i call my life...

Hey, so i know this chapter was a little dry, I'm sorry.  I don't really know how to introduce characters, thanks for reading and please carry on, i promise that it gets better x

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