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Jackson's POV

"Jackson wait, wait!"

The calls of Jooheon were more like a buzz in my confused head. I just wanted to be alone for a while, but he was worried I could tell best, even Hani noona was stubborn as ever, calling my name with a worried tone, and I couldn't blame them, I would be like that too if they were in my shoes.

I slowed down my march a bit, looking for a waiting room, to have some air, cool down my head, and calm down my two friends. With one gaze I spotted the waiting room and signaled them to come with me, they looked at each other and then nodded at me.

Once inside I plopped down in one of the soft couch and I let out a long sigh. Jooheon and Hani sat down in the couch in front of me, looking at me with worried eyes, waiting for me to say something, anything.

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts which ended in the person who have me so hooked to her. I couldn't stop replaying her expression over and over again in my mind, and it really hurt me a lot, it was like a knife was stabbing my chest with every flash of her sad eyes. I was so worried about Sinb... What if she got lost? What if she was in danger? What if she was truly hurt? What if...

"Jackson?" Hani's soft voice took me away from my stupor. I snapped my head at them and they looked a bit surprised to see my face. I raised an eyebrow slowly, not getting why they had those expressions on their features.

"Jackson, are you ok...?" Jooheon asked disconcerted.

"Well, not really and you know it... But why are you looking at me like that?" I replied with a dull tone, and then asked with the same confusing face. Hani suddenly stood from her spot on the couch and kneeled in front of me. I was more than confused now, what's wrong?

"Hani noona?"

And then, I got it as I felt my wet cheeks.

"Why are you crying, Jackson?" She asked with a slightly mocking tone, trying to light up a little the ambient, Jooheon smirking subtly at her statement. Her thumb was drying my tears, that fallen without me realizing. I tried to smile but failed in the process, just thinking about what had happened with Youngji and now with Sinb, it didn't help my humor at all.

"I..." I didn't know what to said, so I just let everything sink down and let out everything, silently, along with the salty tears that blurred my vision. Jooheon sat by my side and proceeded to pat my back with comfort.

"It's ok to cry sometimes, Jackson..."


Yuju's POV

You know, it's not pleasant at all to see one of your best friends broke down in a mess of tears and sobs in your arms, less when you don't have any idea of why she is like that, and when you don't know what to do about it either.

I felt so impotent.

I sighed at the view of Eunbi lying in one of the couch of the living room, looking so vulnerable and drained out, her face showing from time to time, expressions of struggle and discomfort. I wanted to wake her up from her unpleasant thoughts and dreams but she needed the rest and I needed some time to get to the point of the problem.

I caressed Eunbi's hair with affection and started to think deeply. Seeking for the cause of pain of my friend.

Rumors? Malicious comments on Internet? Family problems? Personal problems?

Or it might be...

"Yuna" A masculine voice called my name near my ear, making me jump out of my skin and almost letting out a scream. I was thinking so hard I forgot he was there...

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