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SinB's POV

Today was finally the day of the truth! My date with Jackson.

It wasn't a date exactly, that's how I liked to called it. Just the thought of seeing him made me feel all giddy inside. I laughed like an idiot and spinned a little in my room, looking like a high schooler in love.

I was looking through my closet excitedly, trying to choose the best outfit for that afternoon. At least I have the day off. What a coincidence I thought with a wide smile in my face.

I have woke up that day with a good mood, I even did breakfast, what made me win some strange looks from the members, they were all confused I swear. I laugh just imagining their expressions. They didn't question me, and just shrugged it off. I didn't tell them that I was going to meet Jackson though, if they found out it's possible they would lock me here.

And now here I was searching for the perfect clothes. I was getting tired of it until one of my favorite dresses caught my attention. A white dress, perfect! Just like in the dream I thought happily.

I spare a glance to the clock in the wall of my room. Just 4 hours to go.

I'm so excited to hear everything you want to say to me, Jackson Wang

Jackson's POV

When I woke up, I could feel the restlessness behind my eyelids and over my body, feeling my heart heavy with the realization of what I'm doing today. Just a thought emerged in my mind that exact moment: What the fuck did I just do?

I even woke up before my alarm gave the warning cry like every other morning. I looked at it and the time set was 6:00am. Six in the freaking morning and I couldn't sleep one wink. I sighed and got up of my bed very slowly not to wake my members. Today was our day off so if I made any sound at this hour, they would probably kill me.

I made my way to the bathroom to shake off tiredness of my face. I yawned and proceeded to look at my reflection in the mirror. Deep eye bags under my eyes, messy hair, usual look of someone who couldn't sleep. But something in me was off; something didn't click with the usual cheerful Jackson Wang.

And that something was the essence of my eyes. What they were transmitting: hurt, concern.

I sighed and washed my face, looking at my reflection once more and thought: I have to end this.

The hours passed slowly, the members all woke up one by one, some were puzzled to see me already awake because I'm not usually the first to be awake, that suited more with Jinyoung or Youngjae.

I was lying on the couch of the living room, staring blankly at the ceiling, thinking over and over again about the meeting with Youngji, which was getting on my nerves already. Fortunately, Mark appeared in my sight, distracting me. I blinked at him, asking silently what he wants. He simply shrugged and sat down on the floor, next to the couch. I sat down correctly and fixed my gaze in him, he kept his back facing me and what he said caught me off of guard.

"What's wrong with you?" His tone was a little low, only I could hear him.

"Why do you ask?" I asked slowly. I shouldn't be surprised in the first place, Mark knows me the best of all the members and he could sense easily if something was wrong with me. However, I didn't want to tell him I was going to meet her, he would refuse immediately. And I really have to end this, even if I got more hurt.

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