chapter 6 ↝ the body

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It was two days to the one year anniversary of her disappearance. The newspapers were blowing it up, making it larger than it should have been. It was all for Millie.

Gaten was meeting with Sadie, Noah, Caleb, and Finn at the cafe. It was simply known as The Cafe.

"Do you see what they're calling this?" Sadie disgustedly asked.

"The anniversary of Millie Bobby Brown's disappearance," Finn sarcastically said. "Like it's something to celebrate."

"Millie would have loved the attention," Noah softly added and took a sip of his water.

"Mills had reason to, though," Gaten explained. "She had talent. She had a good voice, good acting abilities... She was perfect."

"A little too perfect," Noah grumbled.

"That's Millie, always mysteriously perfect," Sadie sighed. "Thank you though, I got a 110 out of 100 on my photography project."

"Congrats," Finn smiled.

"I'm glad we were model-worthy, Gingerbread," Caleb chuckled.

"Mr. Heaton seemed to think so," Sadie laughed.

"Okay, I ship Ms. Dyer and Mr. Heaton," Gaten disclosed.

"Who doesn't?" Noah exclaimed.

"They're adorable together. Plus, they already teach together," Sadie dreamily said.

"Ship name?" Gaten asked, resting his head on his hand.

"Natalia and Charlie. Natalie? Chartalia?"

"Chartalia is cute."

"Chartalia, it rolls off somewhat nicely," Finn tested the name.

"Chartalia," Gaten repeated. The conversation came to a gentle halt as they ate their lunch.

"I miss her," Noah said, bringing the conversation back to life.

"Don't we all?" Sadie asked, shrugging.

"I think she can never die," Gaten confessed. "I mean, it's been a year. There's no sign of her being alive, yet she's in every conversation."

"She's gone, but she's everywhere," Caleb exhaled shakily.

"I hope she's alive," Sadie murmured, "but I'm prepared to let her go."

"You'd give up on her?" Noah forcibly asked.

"I don't want to be hung up on her for god-knows-how-long," Sadie replied, twiddling her thumbs together.

"I agree with Gingerbread," Caleb said, bitting his lip. "This isn't a healthy way to live."

"You're one to talk, Caleb, since you're practically screwing 'Gingerbread,'" Noah harshly snapped. Sadie sat back, stunned. Her face began to glow red.

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