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You walked through the tunnel connecting to the airplane.

" May I have your ticket" an flight attendance asked. You took out your ticket and hand it to her.

" The business seat is at the very front of the airplane , enjoy your flight my lady" she spoke in a rich Russian accent.

" Thank you"

You walked past rows of seat and group of people, toward the front of the plane.

Yes this was an (n/h) hours flight.You place yourself in the business seat. Finally, privacy.

You grab your phone and send a quick message to your parent.

Just got on the plane, I'll text you when I arrived at Russia.

After clicking send, you put your phone on airplane mode. You put on your headphone and jam on your music, you pulled you hoodie down and left yourself in thoughts.

I had an argument with my coach because (he/she) won't send me to the national.

" Why, do I lack potential? I'm already old enough, why."

" I can only send three of my students to the Grand Prix- "

" Then why me?"

" You have to understand-"

" Am I not qualify?"

" It's not that-"

" Then what!"

" Cataline won the junior competition three years ago, she can perform the triple axel, the highest level element, only two women can perform it in the competition in the history of figure skating, she have a chance to use that to win the competition"

Back then, I was speechless.

" Lia, she often over rotate her jumps when she gets nervous , but she always make it up with her step sequence"

Once I found my voice I spoke up, I felt my voice shake as if I'll break down and cry. " What do I lack? Step sequence? Triple axel?"I was disappointed, I was irritated , mad, frustrated , sad and just awful. Just awful.

" (Y/n)" my coach reach out and grab both of my shoulder making me look (him/her) in the eyes." You have potential? You are very talented"

"Then why-"

"I know it is hard, but hear my out. Lia and Cataline had enter international competition 3 and 4 years ago, I can't just not send them. Brie , your senior only have 2 years left before retiring , she has yet to win the Grand Prix -"

' And yet to make it to the final competition' I thought bitterly.

" that is why I can't send you, you have more time than any of them. I want you to respect my decisions."

Tears threaten to fall, I push my coach away and grab my skating bag, I walked out of the room, home, deadly slow. The tension was thick but no one spoke a word . ' Good, I don't want to hear shit from your mouth'

A week after, you quit going to training. Your parents tried to cheer you up but failed miserably until -

" (y/n) , I found you a new coach"

You lazily look up at the father, your empty dull eyes suddenly appear a small light of hope.

" His name is Yakov"

" Yakov"

" Coach Yakov, the very one who trained Victor Nikiforov and Yuri plisetsky, the one who won the Grand Prix final last year at age 15."

You jump out of your bed and screamed " really"

" Yes princess, now go pack your bag, your going to Russia"

" Are you coming with me?"

" sorry but no can do, Me and mom have to work here, you will be studying there as well as training " dad hug me and kiss my forehead " we will miss you."

And here you are on plane, you gazed outside the airplane, we flew above the ocean, the water under was pitch black, many lights from boats and ships decorate the ocean, like stars in the midnight sky.

' I never did tell my coach that I'll be training under Yakov, I wonder if (h/s) even cares, If (h/s) asked I wonder what my parents would say.' Trains of thoughts flow in and out of your head.

You were falling
Before you even knew it, sleep took you away.

You stood staring at the intimidating building, you walked into the rink with your luggage. An old man stood in front of you.

" you must be (f/n) (l/n). From now on I am your coach, and I'll make you win the Grand Prix final."

He left you speechless, a passionate smile crept on your face. He spoke the word you wished your old coach had spoked. It made you happy, just simply happy.A feeling you haven't experienced in a while.

'I'm home'

Yuri Plisetsky x reader  flirting on iceWhere stories live. Discover now