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Thank you for all your support. I hope you been liking this series. Sorry My updates are slow, exams are coming up here. This chapter is kinda short but I hope you enjoy it.

( y/n ) covered her purple bruises with concealer. Done. She did last minute touch up of her make up and hoped no one would notice her puffy eyes. Adjusting her messy hair and taking out the tissue that was used to clog up her nosebleed, she walked out of the bathroom.

" where were you" Yuri asked as you made your way to the rows of seat. 

" Toilet" you lied smoothly, but Yuri didn't seem to buy it. As (y/n) sat down, Yuri grabbed her arms and the side of her face earning a hiss. (Y/n) flinched from reflex.

Yuri's eyes widen." Hah?!" A frown plastered. He whispered threateningly " Who. Did . This?" He glared at the nail marks at the back of ( Y/n)'s head. Your eyes widen at the realization. Lilia did your hair up, but you didn't know there were nail marks because you got used to the pain.

You forced a smile" I accidentally scratched myself really badly-"

Yuri cut you off " lies, you cut your nails just a few days ago. Don't lie to me ( y/n)." He gripped your forearm. " What. Happened. To . You?"

 " I-" you tried to speak but only air came out. " I-" words just doesn't seem to form. You glanced to the ring in front of you, with Brie figure skating . You sighed again and jerked your chin tiredly at Brie's coach, Cataline and Lia, who was sitting legs crossed on their high horse.

" Tsk" You glanced warily at Yuri." And there you have it! Brie Ashkin and Tim Harrison ! Free program score of 117.59! Puting Brie and Tim on first place!"

" F-F-First p-place?" You breath out. How on earth will I beat you now. . . 117.59 .

" hmp." Yuri crossed his arm and jerked his chin at Brie. "It's just 117.59."


Yuri's glare turn into a reassuring smile. He reached out and tuck a lock of (h/c) behind (y/n)'s ears. " we can do better."

" Next up is Kalia Mans and Otabek Altin , skating to the song Rumba"

Yuri's hands entwined with (y/n)'s , but Yuri's touch no longer can calm her down. She tapped her feat to the rhythm of anticipation as Otabek took Kalia's hands and led her to the center of the ring. She felt a chill crept down her spine as she imagine that was her and Yuri. Would I be able to pull it off? The song started suddenly scaring her. The pair on the ice mirror each other's dance move, a Latin dance , pulling one of their arms in and the other out in a angular wave to the beat of the music. They curved out , having their backs to opposite each other. (Y/n)'s mind became blurry and black. The music and the screams of the crowd swirl in hurting her ears. Otabek and Kalia movements seems to move fast and unstable. Her senses were extremely. . . Sensitive. 

" (y/n)?" Yuri looked at you worried. Your breath became hard, short and blunt.

 Da dump Da dump

Da dump Da dump

Da dump Da dump

Da dump Da dump

Your body was paralyzed. Yuri took notice and laid (y/n's) head on his lap and placed his headphone on her ears to muff out the sound of screaming crowd. He ran his finger through you (h/c) soft hair while holding your hands. 

Da Dump 

Da Dump

Da Dump

Da Dump

Your tense body finally relaxed, closing your eyes, you took a moment to calm down. Once they opened again, a pair of passionate turquoise eyes looked down at her. 

" you never told me you had anxiety attack."

" I thought they have gone away."

" What cause it?" He continues to careless your cheek.

You gulped " My old coach, he decide against sending me to the nationals because it was my senior's last year. We argued, I stopped going to practice. It didn't end well." You sigh " I- Figure skating is my passion, I-I put a lot into it, and- and knowing my coach isn't sending me was. . . " you trailed off. " I was heartbroken. I felt like I lost my hope. It send me into depression. I got anxiety. I stopped going to practice because I didn't think I could face my coach." You blabbered. " My father got me a new coach, and I knew I can't continue life like this. . . . So . . . Here I am . . ."She looked up to Yuri. Your (e/c) orbs locked with sapphire once, but then flinched the side of your head away from his passionate look. " I-I-I . . . I still don't think I can face him though. . . I-I don't know what happen."

Yuri remained silent.

Then he spoke up " How much were you hiding? (y/n)? How much longer will you continue to hide?"

It was (y/n's) time to remain silent.

" Otabek and Kalia! With the score 97.46! Placing them third! Brie and Tim remain first!"

" come on (Y/n)." Yuri face came close and gave her a feather light kiss on her forehead. He took a lock of your hair and twirl in between his fingers. " let's go win this thing."

Yuri Plisetsky x reader  flirting on iceWhere stories live. Discover now