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Finally finished this chapter! Hope you enjoy- M J

Chapter 14

A week to go till the free program. The happiness from the competition lasted so long you woke up everyday with a smile.

"Yuriiiiiii!!!!" You jumped out of your bed and onto his.

"Oii, how the hell are you so hyper 'every' morning."Yuri smacked you with a pillow.



"Let's go out"You grabbed his hands and pull him out of the bed.

"Okay,okay" He spoke sleepily.

"You're always sleepy"

"That's because you woke me up" He threw a pillow at you smacking you in the face. "I'll go get ready"


You and Yuri stood under the shadow of the gigantic Eiffel Tower .

" This shit is HU-GE!"

" That's because you're small idiot" Yuri place an arm around (y/n), and lead her away. " I swear to god,You're no different to a child"

"Hfff, that coming from you is rich"

" Yuri!"

Yuri turned around to the owner of the voice.

" Otabek" Yuri greeted. Next to him was a excited (y/n).

"Heya" you greeted, appearing behind Yuri.Otabek nod in return.

Kalia, Otabek partner approached Yuri smiling flirtatiously, only to be pushed out of the way." what are you doing here" Yuri stepped forward , to Otabek.

" what do you think?" Otabek casually put his hands in his pocket.

" tsk" Yuri expression turn sour " you know what I mean"

" Good to see you too" Otabek cock his head side way, Yuri lips twitch up in a smile.Yuri threw his arm around Otabek in an embrace. Kalia completely ignored.

They end up at a beautiful cafe, they sat outside in a classic four seat. The breeze kiss her hair, blowing it gently.

They sat in silence as they watched people walking pass by, gazing at the Eiffel Tower.

" so Yuri" Kalia reached out to touch Yuri's hand " how've you been"

Yuri stared emptily at her hand and said in a bored tone" good" he slowly slip his hand away from Kalia.

" Yuri" Kalia tried again, you stared at Kalia terrible attempt to flirt with Yuri, you tried to hide the smirk forming on your face.

"Oii what are you laughing at?"

Yuri gave you a confused look. You threw him a mischievous grin."совсем нет (nothing~)"

Yuri turned to Otabek. "Otabek" Yuri voice filled with joy. " You want to go see Louvre Pyramid?"

"That would be lovely" Kalia suddenly appear. All Otabek did was gave her a side glance and mutter a "sure".Lets just be honest for a moment, you thought that Kalia was a nice girl at first,but now she seems kind of annoying to you,especially when she reached for Yuri's hand, too bad Yuri doesn't care for her. You puff your cheeks in annoyance.

"Она раздражающий" (she is annoying) Otabek spoke in Russian tongue.All Yuri did was laugh.

"Твоя девушка?" (Your girlfriend?) Amusement plastered on Yuri's face,you couldn't help but smile along. "так романтично" (so romantic) Otabek made a puking face. Kalia sat there confused.A smirk flashed on Otabek's face, he took a napkin and wipe Kalia's lips.

Yuri Plisetsky x reader  flirting on iceWhere stories live. Discover now