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" Brie! Brie" her eyes flew open and unlocked the cubical.

" What is it? What's going on?!"

Cataline was extremely alarm, it was scaring her. Cataline utter out a single word, " L-Lia!" Brie's blood ran cold as dread chilled her to the bone. Cataline grabbed Brie's wrist and dragged her down stairs. Her heart felt as if it shattered. The emotion was so overwhelming, her head spin and the world started to sway.

" Brie" Cataline steadied her but it came as a blur. Brie's pit black eyes  seems to lock itself on Lia's bloody form. She was horrified.

" Move out! Move out!" the ambulance carried her in the bus and drove off. But everything seemed to move in slow motion.Brie and Cataline stood holding hands as the crowd disperse  away.

" She will be okay." Cataline squeezed Brie's hands the way Lia did to her. Brie's eyes flew open. ' why did Cataline . . . She didn't suspect me . . . But I was so mean to her. . . . 'regret filled her eyes." I'm sorry"

" It's not your fault." Cataline place her hands gentle of the tall girl's shoulder. " come on. Let's go back."

Brie sat anxiously as she listen to the judges conversation.

" How should we tell the Lia got into an accident?"

" we could give the second place medal to Brie and Tim."

" Maximus is still here."

" How should we do this?"

" People will question their presence."

" We continue the medal ceremony with or without Lia Fendital. No more arguments."

Brie gazed at Cataline emptily. The image of Lia falling of the building replaying in her head. It happen to fast, it happen too soon.

" The winners of the Winter Olympic with the total score of 239.8 goes to . . . . "

Everything seems to slow down. The tension as thick as mist. (Y/n) eyes was shut and her fist was clenched as she listen intensely. She realized she forgotten how to breath. The judge looked down on a piece of paper for so long it got her worried.

"Yuri Plisetsky and (y/n) ( l/n)."

You gasp." Yes!" You bursted out.

Yuri offered you his hands as he led you gracefully onto the ice rink. He stepped onto the podium and pulled you up. Yuri wore a smile so happy you never seen before. Reaching up you took a strand of his fair hair and tuck it behind his ears leaning up to peck his cheek. Both of you bowed down as the judges place a golden medal around their neck.

" Congratulation!" Two identically dressed girl glided their way to the both of you and offer two bouquet of flower. Which you embraced happily and gleefully grin at Yuri. You never knew you would ever be able to make it to this day, And everything just felted like a dream, only to realize that this was reality, her little fantasy.

" Second place with the total score of 187.01 : Maximus Watson and Lia kendital." Max glided onto the ice and stepped up the podium but Lia was no where insight. Confuse murmur spread through the crowd like water in a fallen glass cup.

" Yuri."

" hmm?" He hummed happily.

" Where is Lia?" Yuri looked down at you, (e/c) met with ocean blue. His hands entwined into hers.

" That's odd. I don't think they would continue the ceremony unless everyone was here." His soft face turned serious. Only to be masked with mischievous again," ha, she probably had diarrhea."

Your eyes flew open and a giggled slipped pace her mouth," Y-Yuri y-you-" you said between fit of laughter, " j-jerk." 

" And third place with the score of 178.2goes to: Brie Ashkin and Tim Harrison." Cerise eyes met with (e/y) once. But instead of anger, sorrow was held in there. Did something happen? You shrugged it off as Yuri took both of your hands spin you for the last victory lap. Gliding onto the ice, Yuri went on about how he loved the winter Olympic this year.

" Pair skating wasn't so bad after all." He smirked.

" Hey what was that surpose to mean?" (Y/n) mimic in a low voice, " Pair skating wasn't so bad after all"

His smirk only widen, " exactly what it means, idiot" he flicked your forehead once again. No matter how many times he did that, you were never able to dodge it with your time.

" Ha! Well I know you love me." You spoke teasingly entwining your arms with his and flipped you (h/c) hair.

" I love you" you whipped around as you never expected that. Without warning, heat flushed your entire body. T-that was the first time he ever said that.

" I-I love you too" you looked away shyly.

You felt an arm wrap around you. " I know."

" shut up you smart ass."

" I know you love me too." His arms only tighten.

" I do. Idiot".


Yuri Plisetsky x reader  flirting on iceWhere stories live. Discover now