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Blackpink's Dorm

Later that day, when Lisa returned, the ice cream she'd brought was quickly snatched up by Chaeyoung, who announced to the whole dorm that she was watching a movie while eating it. Cackling, she ignored the three indignant cries that came and settled herself down on the couch. Laughing, Lisa grabbed three spoons, threw two to Jennie and Jisoo who sprinted out of their rooms and jumped over the back of the couch to sit next to Chaeyoung.

The movie she'd chosen was The Fault In Our Stars, which Lisa and Jennie protested heavily, saying they didn't feel like crying their eyes out. Chaeyoung and Jisoo, who was in favor of the movie as well, ignored them, and a couple hours later the four girls were sobbing messes, the ice cream gone.

As the credits rolled, Jennie stood up, wiping her eyes. "I'm going to go wash my face." She had made the mistake of putting on a touch of mascara in the morning and there where black streaks running down her cheeks. Lisa stood up as well, announcing loudly to the dorm that she was in need to a restroom; she received multiple pillows to the head, courtesy of Jisoo and Chaeyoung, who were not done crying.

A few minutes later, Jennie reappeared, her face rid of the make-up streaks.

"I'm out of concealer and eyeliner." She said to the three girls who were sat on the couch. (Lisa had returned.) "I'm going to go to the mall to get some more."

"Please, unnie, take me with you." Lisa cried, practically leaping off the couch and away from Jisoo and Chaeyoung, who'd stopped crying but had started fangirling about Hazel and Augustus. "Don't leave me with them."

Giggling, Jennie agreed, and the two laughed nonstop on the way there; the car ride turned into a mini rave/karaoke session that consisted of the two girls singing at the top of their lungs to everything from BigBang's Bang Bang Bang to I.O.I's Pick Me. When they arrived at the crowded mall, they navigated to the makeup store; laughing about the play-by-play fangirling experience the vocals of Blackpink were sending them. They were so caught up in this that when they entered the makeup store they did not notice the two handsome teenage males standing a little ways away, debating over types of foundation.

Jennie made a beeline for the concealer section, giving Lisa a mission to find mascara on the reasoning that 'she was the unnie.' Chuckling to herself, Lisa wandered to the section filled with different types of mascara. She skimmed over them, found the one Jennie liked and was about to turn around when she heard -

"Yugyeom-ah, tell me honestly, do we need more than one type of foundation?"

That voice. She froze, not wanting to believe her ears, but after a second she turned, trying to look as least suspicious as possible. Sure enough, two aisles away, discussing the benefits of foundation with a brown-haired male a couple inches taller than him, was none other than Kunpimook Bhuwakul. The Bambam from her childhood, the Bambam who had broken her heart was standing not two meters away and Lisa could feel her hand tightening into fists and her heart was speeding up and -

"Lalice, what's taking so long - are you okay?" Jennie's worried voice broke her out of her trance and she quickly turned to face her.

"Unnie, whatever you do, do not react or acknowledge to the person standing over there." She motioned as subtly as she could.

"What, why? Who's over there?" She turned to look, despite her dongsaeng's whispered protests. "Is that Bambam and Yugyeom from Got7?" She said loudly enough that Lisa clapped a hand over her moth and dragged her downwards - below the top of the aisle - when the said males looked over in their direction.

"What's going on with you today, Lalice?" Jennie grumbled. "Why don't you want to meet them?"

"I'll explain soon, just, please, don't let them see me today." Jennie looked at Lisa then, and there were so many emotions in her eyes that her heart clenched.

"Sure; Come on." She extended a hand, the Thai girl grabbed it and the two walked out quickly, forgetting completely about Jennie's makeup.

When the two got home, Jennie was ready to demand an explanation, but Lisa whispered to her quietly in English (in hopes it would make it harder for the others to understand) that she was not ready to talk about it just yet. There was something like tears in the maknae's eyes; Jennie quickly agreed not to mention it and pulled the girl in for a hug.

"I'm here for you when you need it." She whispered, rubbing her back.

"Thank you, unnie." Lisa whispered gratefully, and disappeared into to the room and did not resurface until dinner. Her thoughts were completely occupied by Bambam, and not in a good way. The more time she spent thinking about their past relationship, the more time her anger had to stew; by dinner time, there was no other word to describe her emotions as pure and utter rage. She hated him for leaving her; Hated the fact that he still had such a tight grip on her heart and her emotions. In the midst of the hours she'd spent in her room, her anger turned to tears and she'd quietly sobbed, the memory of Bambam's promise not to forget her clear in her mind's eye.

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