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"Well, look who it is." The sound of Lisa's native language caused her to whirl around, away from Jinyoung and Yugyeom, and her eyes landed on the face of NCT's Ten; another native Thai that she'd grown close too during her trainee years and after Blackpink's debut. Her face broke out into a smile.

"Long time no see." She replied, moving to hug him. "How've you been?"

"Good, good. You?" Their conversation, being entirely in Thai, was causing the other idols and some of the staff to look over at them. They continued to catch up - completely oblivious to the confused looks being thrown their way - as best they could before the choreographer started the rehearsal.

When break was called two hours later, Lisa walked over do her bag and pulled out her wattle bottle, down in half of it. As she sat down, she saw Ten bringing his bag over to her and smiled. They continued to catch up; discussing everything from both of their respective groups' new music to their personal lives.

About 5 minutes into the 15-minute break, when Ten excused himself for the purpose of finding the restroom, Lisa pulled out her phone and opened the Blackpink group chat.





>guess who's here

>do I want to know
>are they nice
>do we have to fight someone

>jinyoung and yugyeom
>and no you don't have to fight them

>oh my goodness



>what'd they say

>what'd they say

>they were really nice
>jinyoung said he wanted to talk to me about something but he didn't finish

>wait why didn't he finish
>we need all the details


>ten showed up
>we were catching up
>gtg byeee


>I like him

>we'll talk about this later
>I hope you realize that

  Lisa switched off her phone with a small smile on her face right as Ten walked back into the room and the choreographer called the practice back into session. The practice went for another hour, and when it was finished and all the thanks and goodbyes were said, Lisa grabbed her bag and was heading out the door, talking to Ten, when Jinyoung and Yugyeom walked past, discussing something in low tones that were inaudible to her. She smiled at them, and they stopped their conversation for a minute to smile back; Yugyeom waving as well.

As she saw them, she remembered the last rains she saw them and suddenly the image of Kunpimook Bhuwakul was fresh in her mind. Her eyes did not well up with tears as they would have a few months ago; she only felt anger towards the other native Thai.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ten's voice jolted her out of her thoughts. "You suddenly got really quiet."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She smiled. "Let's just say that I'm having some relationship issues."

"With who?" He grinned. "A boy?"

"Shut up." She shoved his shoulder and the two of them couldn't stop laughing until they parted ways to head to their respective dorms.

The walk from where she was to the dorm was less than a minute, and the second she walked into the dorm and announced her presence, her three unnies were crowded around her, demanding answers. After bursting out laughing at their insistence, Lisa was pulled to the couch and she told them everything.

"Did they mention Bambam?" Chaeyoung asked.

"No, they didn't. I'm glad too. I don't know how that would've gone down." Lisa replied with a small smile.

Anger flashed in all three of her unnies' eyes as they shared a glance. Seeing this, Lisa quickly spoke up again.

"Jinyoung and Yugyeom are really nice, unnies. I don't have anything against them. The rest of Got7, too."

Jisoo sighed and smiled, a trace of anger not leaving her eyes as she spoke. "Neither do we, but it's hard to forget that they're really close to the guy that broke your heart."

"We're overly protective of you." Jennie put in. Lisa smiled.

"Thanks, unnies. I mean it. But we should be nice to Got7. They haven't done anything wrong."

The three girls nodded, their evident anger dulling, but in all of their minds none of them had let the matter go, despite the maknae's words.

Got7's Dorm

As soon as Jinyoung and Yugyeom walked into the dorm, having perfected Jinyoung's plan on the way back, Yugyeom quickly escaped to find Bambam and distract him while Jinyoung found the hyungs and Youngjae and filled them in. After the plan was explained, the males in the room exchanged glances.

"Do you think it'll work?" Jaebum asked.

"We have to at least try, for Bam's sake." Mark replied.

"Yeah," Jackson agreed. "He's been feeling really guilty. He needs to at least talk to her."

"Do you think they'll agree?" Youngjae asked, clearly worried for his friend.

"Let's hope." Jinyoung said with a sigh, pulling out his phone.

next chapter is the last one I think!!
there might be an epilogue though

I love cliffhangers when I'm the one writing them

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