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Harry's POV

"Harry! Breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Weasley said.

I ran out of my bedroom to go to the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen. I saw Ron, Hermoine, Ginny and Mrs. Weasley already eating.

"Ron? I usually wake up before you, what's up?" I asked as I took a seat beside Ron.

"Fhe ogwahrts hetars cahm." Ron said with food still in his mouth.

"The Hogwarts letter came?" I asked.

"You can understand him?" Ginny asked.

"Yup! Anyways, I thought last year was our last year in Hogwarts." I asked.

"The letter says we're going to repeat the year since the Voldemort stuff." Hermoine said.

"It also says that there is another DADA teacher. And that person will also be the head of the Gryfindor house." Ginny added.

"I hope it's not another Umbridge." Ron said.

"When are we going to Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Tomorrow," Hermoine replied. "The stuff we need for this year is the same things we used last year, so we don't need to buy."

"Okay..." I replied.

I felt dumb, literally. I felt dumber than usual. My friends don't usually answer me this much, especially Ron. I don't mean to be rude and say Ron is dumb, but... Anyways, who was the new DADA teacher? I really hope it wasn't another Umbridge. Ughhh, school memories.

I finished my food and helped Mrs. Weasley clean the dishes. When I finished helping, I talked to Ron.

"Who do you think is the DADA teacher?" I asked.

"I don't know?" Ron replied.

"What if he or she's evil?" I asked, very curious.

"If he or she is, I don't know?" Ron said. "Anyways, are you excited for tomorrow?"

"Well yeah, of course." I replied.

"Let's go to sleep," Ron said. "we don't want to be late."

"Yeah." I replied.

We slept in our beds so that we wouldn't be late for the train. When I woke up, we immediately went to the train. When we got to the train, we found a compartment that we could stay in. We waited and waited, excited to go back to the place where we learned about magical things— Hogwarts.

When we were already in Hogwarts, we went to the Gryfindor table. They sorted the 1st years. I looked at the seat of the new DADA teacher, but he or she wasn't there.

"Attention students! We have a new DADA teacher, apparently he isn't here yet. He is about 16-17 years old." Dumbledore announced.

Whispers spread across the room. What is a young teacher doing here? But suddenly...

A black Pegasus came flying in, carrying a teenage boy. Everyone turned their heads towards him. He has jet black hair, sea-green eyes. He was handsome, pretty much every girl were swooning right about now.

"Sorry I was late!" The teenager said. He walked forward and told something to the horse. The horse galloped away and flew.

He walked towards the DADA teacher's seat.

Wait... No way. He was the new DADA teacher! Everyone looked surprised as I did.

"Ahhh... Here is our new DADA teacher! Professor Jackson!" Dumbledore announced.

~Authors Note~
Yasss! LEO IS NOT HERE! (No offense)

Leo: What do you mean?


Annabeth: *looks at author nervously*

Me: What are you looking at?

Annabeth: You might explode again. I came prepared.

Me: Let's get this over with! Somebody say the disclaimer.


Readers: YEAH!

Jason, Percy and Leo: REVOLUTION!

Me: What? N—


Percy: CHARGE!

Readers: *charge towards reader*



Readers: NOOO—

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