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Harry's POV

I walked into the Main Hall. I saw that Professor Jackson was talking to a boy, about his age. He looked like a carpenter or something.

Anyways... Why is that guy here? Professor Jackson doesn't deserve to have friends, it's obvious he's a death eater!

I went to the Gryfindor table. I started to eat. I heard Professor Jackson laugh with his friend. I bet he's laughing about destroying us.

I continued to eat until I heard a neigh.

A black Pegasus flew in, carrying a girl with brown hair.

The Pegasus went towards Professor Jackson.

"What's wrong Blackjack?" I heard him say.

The horse neighed.

"Percy! There's and attack in camp!" The girl said.

"Piper, slow down, explain." He said.

"We have to hurry!" She said. Probably Piper.

"Fine!" He said.

"Anyone notice I'm here?" His friend asked.

"LEO!" They both growled.

"What?" Leo said.

"Ughh." Piper said.

Two more Pegasi came in. They mounted them and took off.

What! Who does Professor Jackson think he is! He can't just waltz in my school, and leave anytime he wants! Who cares if his camp perishes. His camp is probably full of death eaters!

"Attention students!" Dumbledore said,

"Professor Jackson won't be teaching for awhile, he has an emergency to attend to!" Dumbledore added.

Percy's POV

I hope everyone's okay. If Queen Dirt Face is back, I swear. Okay, stop with the accusing, she's already asleep. Who would wake her up? Wait... Why am I talking about Queen Dirt Face? Dang it! ADHD!

"Piper! What happened?" I asked.

"The barrier broke. I don't know how, but it did. Nobody knew until monsters started coming in. They were in big groups. At first it was easy. It was just a group of empusa's, but then when we finished them off, more came in. This time, they were hell hounds. Then it became cyclops. Then, the Minotaur came in. I came here as fast as I could to warn you!" She explained.

"We have to get there fast!" I said.

'Umm... blackjack? Do you think we could get any faster?' I asked.

'Obviously boss! I'll tell the others.' Blackjack replied.

As he said that, we zoomed towards camp. In a matter of seconds, we were already in camp.

I saw the battle, it was horrible. There were many monsters— empusa's, hell hounds, dracaena, and more. Who would release this monsters in camp! Who would break the boundaries. Anger surged through my veins. I charged towards the heart of the battle and slashed the monsters in my way. I summoned the water to help me attack the monsters. In a matter of minutes, none of the monsters were to be seen, except for my old enemy. The Minotaur.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" The Minotaur roared.

"Again! What do you want! Isn't turning my mom into dust good enough revenge? I mean, come on that was years ago. I was just 12!" I said, clearly annoyed.

The Minotaur just growled. I mean, really. Why can't he just move on?

"Come on, why can't you just move on?" I asked, mocking him. Voicing out my thoughts.

Percy Jackson at Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now