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Percy's POV

I finally wake up from that horrid nightmare. Tartarus.

I groaned and inwardly shivered.

I walk to breakfast, back to delicious food once again. I'm lucky since DADA doesn't come in in a few hours.

"Wassup Perce!"

"Good morning Leo." I said glumly.



"Oh, too bad."

"Shut up Leo."

"I'm going to eat candy!" He said in a sing-song voice.


"Okay, what's the plan for the class?"

"As usual, defense and offense."

"So... Is it defense or offense this week."

"Let's focus more about offense."

He nodded.

We chatted as we walk towards breakfast. Thinking of a plan for class. Honestly, my brain hurts a lot now. I don't know how Wise Girl does it? Maybe it's because she's a daughter of Athena? Meh.

We decided it was best to teach the class the stabbing momentum.

I walked towards my seat and saw students start to pour in. I finally find the Golden Trio. I catch Harry's eyes. I secretly tell him a message. He nods before tuning back to his friends.

"What was that?" Leo asked.

"You have to come with me later in the lake. Harry knows. Another prophecy is coming." I say as he pales.

Harry's POV

Professor told me a message. I nod. My friends apparently notice.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked.


"That was definetly not nothing. Professor must've given you a secret message that somehow you understood." Hermoine argued.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say

"Fine. Keep denying it. We'll find out soon." Hermoine said with a huff.

"Hermoine, if I was hiding something, I would've told you. You guys are my friend." I lie.

I felt guilty when I lied to them. They've been my friends for a lot of years. I don't want to lose them. I don't want to lose our friendship.

Hermoine eyes me suspiciously as she continues to eat her food.

Breakfast is finally done and we have classes.


We go to the potions room. I find Professor Snape talking with Professor Jackson.

Professor Snape is apparently smiling. Never thought I'd ever get to see that.

"Snape can... laugh?" Ron asked incredulously.

"Well yeah, he can. He is a human. But never thought he would ever be happy. No offense." Hermoine replied still staring at the 2 teachers conversing.

I muster up all my courage and walk towards the professors.

"Hi professor." I greeted.

"Oh hi Harry." Professor Jackson greets back with a smile.

Snape groans. Professor Jackson glared at him.

"Oh shut up Sevvy. Be nice!" Professor Jackson said,

"Um... Professor Jackson? Can I talk with you for a moment?" I asked.

"Sure, but stop calling Professor Jackson. Call me Percy." Percy, I guess said. This earned him a nudge from Snape.

Percy glared at him, but sighed in exasperation. As if admitting defeat.

"Fine! My first name is actually Perseus. But don't call me that. I hate it. Just call me Percy." He explained.

I nodded.

I took his hand and led him to the back of the room.

"Why are you calling Snape Sevvy?" I asked. "Do you know he'll kill you for that!"

"Harry. Sevvy won't kill me. He's a demigod. Honestly, I don't know why you haven't found out about that yet?" Percy said incredulously.

"W-what? He's a demigod?" I stuttered.

"Yeah. Son of Hades." Percy said.

I just stared at him.

"What? It's obvious. He acts gloomy. A lot like Nico. His little brother, or older brother. I don't know? He's either 15 or 95. Forgot." He said.

"How is that even possible?"

"I guess because he was in the Lotus Flower Casino for... I don't know 50 or 80 years."

"So how is he 15?"

"Oh... That was his original age during the old times."

"Why is he in the hotel?"

"Because Uncle Zeus tried to ki— You know what? Never mind, it's a long story." He explained.

"Fine. But why did you tell me to meet you in the lake?"

"You'll see."

From that, he walked away to the front of the class. He went back to talk with Snape animatedly.

"Okay class! As you can see, we have a guest, Professor Jackson." Snape announced.

Everyone looked at Snape in shock at his happy attitude. Literally, this really hard to believe.

"He is quite an expert with liquids." Snape says. "He will demonstrate how to do a perfect polyjuice potion."

"But sir. That's impossible. You need at least a few months to brew the perfect polyjuice potion." Hermoine blurted.

"I thought the same, but thought wrong when I saw Professor Jackson." He said as he glared back at Percy.

Percy was at the back, obviously trying not to laugh out loud. He was currently covering his mouth.

Percy finally controlled himself and went to his place. He instructed us to put the different indgredients.

"... in the cauldron." He instructed.

Hermoine raised her hands, "But sir, these ingredients aren't in the book."

Percy didn't answer. At the end of the class each of the students' cauldrons were a weird shade of gray while professor's had the perfect shade in his cauldron. Even Hermoine's wasn't perfect.

Hermoine looked at the professor in shock.

"Now that I'm here. Let's go to DADA class." Percy announced with a big smile on his face.

~Author's Note~

Me: Have you guys found out the enemy yet?

Annabeth: Haven't yet. But I will find out.

Annabeth: *gets notebook*

Annabeth: *mutters words*

Everyone: *stares at Annabeth*

Percy: What are you saying?

Annabeth: I'm thinking of a panacea or rather a solution to decipher the inquiry given to us by the author.

Percy: *stares in confusion*

Leo: English please.

Piper: She means she's thinking of an answer to the question. Or who the enemy in this story is.

Leo: Oh.

Percy: I don't want to think anymore. It hurts my brain.

Percy: The disclaimer, too lazy to say the full thing.

Percy Jackson at Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now