17 {Last Chapter}

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Percy's POV

I ran outside the castle and walked towards an army of people walking towards us. It's the demigods!


I saw someone jump with the same blonde hair that I love.

I ran towards her and we both ran to Dumbledore's office.

"SEAWEED BRAIN! SLOW DOWN!" Annabeth shouted.

"I can't, we're going out on our quest with Harry after the meeting."

"Well schist. Oh well, more quests for us I guess." She said.

I chuckled.

"You know, I missed you. It's been hard thinking without you here. I have a question though. Monsters have been regenerating, like when death was chained." I explained.

"You're asking how they're able to go out of the underworld without the 'doors' open?" She guessed.

I nodded.

"First of all, how do you know that the 'doors' are closed, not open? Second, if it was closed, I wouldn't know. But there are other ways of leaving the underworld." She replied.

And that is why I need my Wise Girl. She's better than me in this kind of stuff. Since she's the daughter of Athena. The favorite in fact.

"Never thought of that. I guess I just didn't want to accept going back to Tartarus." I shivered after saying the word.

The experience, as you all know it, was a horrible one. The both of us almost died trying to close the doors. Leaving 2 of our friends sacrificing themselves in the underworld.

The worst part of it was looking at Tartarus. He was a nightmare, maybe even farther beyond that. It still haunts my dreams sometimes. The image won't get out of my head.

It was an experience I wouldn't want to relive.

I spoke the password to Dumbledore's office and we entered.

Everyone was seated, including Harry. We took a seat as well.

"Now that everyone's here. Let's inform Harry about the quest." Dumbledore stated.

"What quest?" Harry asked.

"You'll have to go on a quest with Percy and Annabeth to undo the chains of Thanatos, or death." Dumbledore explained.


"I knew he was going to say that." I muttered.

"How come I need to come! I didn't agree to this!" Harry complained.

"I'm sorry Harry, but the prophecy states that you'll help undo the chains of Thanatos or death." Dumbledore explained.

"B-but, what if I won't be able to do it?" He asked.

"Harry, you'll be able to do it. You just need faith in yourself." Annabeth said.

Harry heaved a deep breath.

He's nervous. I can sense it. And afraid too. I get what he was feeling. It was the same feeling when I was on my first quest with Grover and Annabeth. I was just like Harry before, lonely and vulnerable.

A crash in the window and a strong gush of wind pulled me back to reality.

I processed everything I saw in front of me. A noseless guy floating in.

"Voldemort!" Harry mumbled.

"That's Voldemort?" I asked Annabeth.

She shrugged.

"Ah, Harry Potter. Oh, and Perseus Jackson. I've heard so much about you, from Tartarus himself."

At the mention of his name made me shiver.

"You have so little time. Didn't even go to the quest already." He mocked, while walking around.

He touched the Phoenix, "Too bad the war has started."

He pointed his wand towards us, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

I stepped forward and took out my sword. The spell bounced off the blade and hit the wall.

Death Eaters started pouring in and many other Greek monsters. This was going to be a challenge.

We were able to take some out, but there was just too many. We started to retreat and informed the students in the dorms.

"Percy, Annabeth and Harry! Don't come with us, go to your quest. We can stop them with the students and the campers!" Dumbledore shouted as we ran.

"We can't just leave you!"

"It's okay! GO!"

At that Annabeth, Harry and I ran out of the castle. I took a glance at the castle, it looked horrible.

Parts of the wall fell to the ground, windows were broken and the sound of screams echoed against the walls of the castle.

The castle that once was Hogwarts is falling down.

We ran towards the Forbidden Forest. The sound of fighting gone as we ran further in the forest.

~Author's Note~

I finished the book! YASSS!




Me: Calm down, everything will be explained in another chapter.

Me: But thank you guys for reading until the end. I really appreciate it.

Me: Once again, someone say the disclaimer.

Percy: She doesn't own the characters only the plot.

Percy Jackson at Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now