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Harry's POV

What the heck was happening. There was this weird bat thing with big fangs and stuff.

"What do you want Kelli!" Professor growled.

"My my. Perseus Jackson. Isn't it nice to meet an old friend from Tartarus." She said, her voice dripping with venom.

"Well, I'm sorry if you were too easy to kill!" Professor said. "I mean come on! You got me expelled from a school! You cornered me in the gym! Get over it! I killed you! Don't need to hold a grudge!" Professor complained.

The weird thing lunged. I guess her name was Kelli. Professor took out his pen.

"Um... Professor? I don't think a pen is going to help this time." I said.

He chuckled. He uncapped it. It became a sword.

"Trust me. This sword saved me more times than you could imagine." He said.

He lunged towards the monster. He slashed it.

"NOOO—" then she turned into dust.

"Phew." Professor said while dusting his robe.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Oh schist. I forgot! Now I have to explain it to you." Professor said annoyed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Ugh," he grunted. "Okay, just... stay there for awhile, I need to take care of something."

He ran out of the room. I waited. He has so much to explain to me!

I paced around the office, waiting for him.

What is taking him so long?

I was about to go out of the office, when he came in.

"Explain." I said.

Percy's POV

"...I need to take care of something." I said as I ran out of my room.

I ran to the nearest bathroom and made an Iris Message to Chiron

"Um... Hey Chiron? Harry kind off saw me fight of Kelli, and Kelli might've spit out some words. So...." I explained.

"It's okay. You can tell. But make him swear to the River Styx not to tell anyone." He replied.


I cut off the connection. I ran into my office to see Harry almost about to leave.

"Explain." He said.


"Well... You know anything about Greek Mythology?" I asked as I took a seat.

"A bit. Yes."

"Okay. I'm a demigod. The gods and Goddessess are real. They 'hook up' with mortals— er as you call them muggles. Their offspring is a demigod. My father is Poseidon, God of the sea." I explained.

"I don't believe you." He said.

"I'll show you then." I replied.

I made and Iris message... Or whatever Iris thing the shows your life story.

"Oh fleecy, do me a solid and show me what I've been through." I said.

It showed the time I defeated the Minotaur. When I was claimed, when I was put into my first quest. Everything showed. The Titan war. Tartarus, and more. At the end, it showed the death of the people I care about.

"That's Zoe, Luke, Bob, Silena, Bianca and Beckendorf," I said, pointing to the people who died. "They died to keep my friends safe. They died to save the world."

"Wow." He said.

"I know. A life of a demigod is horrible. Especially being the best demigod and swordsman in 300 years." I replied as I scratched my neck.

"I have to tell." He said.

"No... You can't. Well, you see, I've been sent here to protect you and the rest of the trio." I explained.

"Why?" He asked.

"Voldemort escaped Tartarus. He escaped death, again. Hades is literally exploding. I only know that he has a patron. A person who's helping him. He wouldn't be able to get out of Tartarus alone... Unless. No. It's not that." I explained.

It can't be open again. That would mean...

"It's not what?" He asked.

"It's nothing," I replied. "Just swear to the River Styx that you won't tell anyone."

"Um.. I swear to the River Styx." He said.

Thunder rumbled outside.

"What does swearing to the River Styx do?" He asked.

"It means that if you break it, you would have a fate worse than death." I replied.


"Anyways, it's almost your next period. And remember, don't tell anyone." I said.

"Okay." He said as he went out of the office.

~Author's Note~

Me: How do you think Harry will act after Percy told him?

Leo: I don't know.

Percy: What?

Annabeth: You mean. Oh Percy, so oblivious. Harry hated you at first.

Percy: Really?

Piper: Yup. Pretty much all the girls are red mpbecause they have a crush on you. Honestly Percy, these things are so easy to spot!

Percy: What!

Poseidon: You want me to drown him?

Percy: No!

Zeus: You want me to strike him with lightning?

Percy: How did you get here.

Percy: Why do you care anyways.

Zeus: A certain brother *glares at Poseidon* forced me to.

Hades: You want me to take his soul and throw him into Tartarus and give him a faith worst than death?

Percy: Oh my gods! Where do you keep coming from.

Hades: Poseidon forced me to.

Everyone: *stares at Gods and Percy*

Percy: Somebody end this.

Me: Never thought you'd ask!

Annabeth: The disclaimer. I'm to lazy to say anything else.

Percy Jackson at Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now