Is Zach Jealous?

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Okay, before you read this, please hear me out.

I tried to update everyday in the holidays but sometimes it was just impossible. I know my writing style is terrible but once I am finished with this, I will edit everything.

My three promises for you that I have is this.

1. From now on I shall update at least once a week, maybe two unless I have exams or tests to study for.

2. I shall edit everything once the story is done.

3. I shall dedicate every second chapter to somebody and when I edit the books, I shall also dedicate the other chapters to people.

Now I would like you to make a promise.

Promise me that if you have a problem with this book, you will tell me. I hate it when someone dislikes my book or thinks I am copyrighting. If any of you actually dislike me book, tell me so that I know. I hate the nagging feeling in my head that someone might dislike it and not tell me.

Okay, thanks for listening, now let's get on with my favourite part if this book, all the Zach is Jealous chapters. 🤓

They actually aren't my favourite because they take forever to make sure each sentence relates to the other half, the first jealousy chapter.

Thanks for listening, all my Gallagher Girls.

Cammie POV

"Jonas was so sweet in science. We were partnered up and we did this project. He's such a gentleman!" Liz rants on to Bex whom is brushing her teeth.

"I think we can all agree that they are gentleman but mysterious." Says Bex and we all nod in agreement.

"Yes, but the guy with the most style is obviously Zach." You may be surprised but I didn't say it, Liz did.

"Obviously but it's only because he is desperately trying to get Cammies' eye." Says Macy, filing her nails.

I know this, who doesn't, it's just that the rest of the school does too. Like really, they go for me but not Bex and Macy. Okay, I do feel flattered but it is Mr Solomons' fault.


Liz and I made a bet last night to see whom found the shortest tunnel. It's obviously me since I was the one who found them all, but Bex and Macy sided with Liz. Like, really!

A diagram doesn't prove anything with these tunnels. The one they chose goes really low down, then back up to the top of the building and then back to the dining hall. On the diagram it doesn't show the ups and downs.
I start to race to the entrance of my passage.

I get to a painting of old Blackthorn boys eating in the dining hall and pull on the lower right hand corner. A large gap in the wall opens and I climb inside. This passage is longer since instead of going under and over rooms, it goes around.

I still get there first. I join Grant, Nick, Jonas and Zach at a table.

I start to tap, feeling all bored on the table and I feel all of the boys' eyes on me.

Zach glares at them. Like, really and everyone turns away from us and a smirk reaches his lips .

After a few minutes Bex, Liz and Macey climb out of another hole in the corner I was looking at. I smirk and they come to join us.

The entire hall goes dead silent.

"I told you that I took the shorter route, even with your head start." I say, looking at my friends.

"B-but I tracked you on our first night, whilst you found all the passages and this one was clearly shorter on the diagram I made from the tracks." Says Liz.

"Yes, sadly the way I took didn't have any... inconveniences and yours has a lot. It is easy seeing it from the diagram but it is still very different from reality." I said with a smirk on my face. Liz then shut up.

"I'm starving." Bex says when all of our stomachs grumble. All four of us get up to go get something to eat. We come back with a plate of waffles each.

We all take a bite and spit it out immediately.

"Gosh, this is disgusting! I guess that we are way to used to our Michelin Star chef!"says Macy and we all agree. It's true!

I take our plates away whilst Macy gets us each a small bowl of different fruits.

I gobble down on berries and then a banana and finally an apple.

"We've got free period, what about you boys?" Asks Macy with a completely bored expression on her face. Way to go Macy, make life even more unfair!

"Yeah, we also have, what do you want with it!" Nick says with an annoyed expression on his face. Ugh, typical. All excited but trying to play it cool.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I was just asking. I'm bored and I want to do something new. I know everything about these three and it's unlikely that they will be able to keep me not bored for an hour." She says making me grab a scared look on my face.

"Yeah, that seems cool." Zach says, trying to keep himself with an all cool expression. What a fail!

"I want to see his face when you say you can't because of Paul." Bex mutters so only us four girls can hear it. I see the picture in my mind and start to laugh.

"Gosh, I'm so sorry but I already have plans. I promised Paul that I would help him with micro-cameras and placing them." I say, waiting for Zach's reaction," I still don't know why he asked me over Liz...!"She says, mostly to herself.

This chapter is really short but it is so hard to get each exact word correct.

Well, thank you for trying out this book so far!

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