Right or left

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Cammie POV

We get our mission coverage (including what language to speak and what culture to have), Coms, camera's and a picture of our enemies which do happen to be to Blackthorn boys that Zach is sure we won't be able to beat.

Our base so happens to be the PE barn.

We are playing the good guys and them the bad guys, leaving us in a disadvantage. The only reason I know whom we are up against is because I deciphered the code when I basically looked at it. The bad guys knows whom we are and where our base is, just to give us good guys an understanding of those REALLY good criminals.

The criminals job is to protect what they stole, which so happens to be a jewel hidden in a trophy. Letting us know that they are at the trophy room. Zach still has his doubts but he trusts me enough to go down that passage and follow me. When end up at the Cove Ops classroom, on the opposite end of the school.

"I thought that you were  taking me to the trophy room!" He whispers/mutters.

"Idiot, we can't just barge in there, I have a plan to get it without them knowing. Just trust me!" I say and he rolls his eyes but not before nodding.

You see, their trophy room is more of a thin corridor. The actual case is more of a room. Only the caretaker of the school and the principle can get in there, seeing that they need to go down a secret passage.

The thing also is that the bad guys job is not just to protect it, they still must find a way in the case without leaving any signs that they were there.

AKA: no broken glass.

Zach starts trying to drag me at a girl in the corridors, right. He wants to go down the corridor that will lead us to the entrance whilst I want to go left, where the passage is.

"Come on!" He says, trying to drag me down that passage.

"We have to go down this one!" I say, gesturing to the left.

"We might as well split up then." He says in an annoyed tone.

He goes right while I go left, running to a statue of the first trophy winner of Blackthorn. He has a gun in his hand that is pointing up. All you have to do is push the gun down and the statue opens up for you to go in.

I can't believe Zach never found it.

I run down the passage room and soon find myself in the trophy case/room.

I start searching in all of the trophy's until Zach comes barging in, leaving me supervised and speechless.

He starts to shoot the two boys, with a tranquilliser dart.

Oh, did I forget to tell you they also gave us some of those?

Zach shoots and dodges for a long time. I get out if my haze and walk forward and lean against the glass.

Zach see's me and Lise his focus for a minute. That one minute meant that he got shot and passed out on the floor.

What a great partner.

I start to look inside some of the trophy's in the front when those two boys see me.

I wink at them and I can hear them mutter about how the Chameleon can obviously find a way in in about two days whilst they have been here longer than two years.

I finally find the diamond (A real one all the way from South Africa) and wave it in their faces. They run out the room and I can see them looking for tunnels in the RIGHT HAND CORRIDOR that I told Zach not to take.

I run out the tunnel and decide to run to them. Before they can see me U shout each if them with a tranquilliser dart. They pass out and I hand cuff them. I start to drag them to our rendezvous point. Mr Solomon see's me and just smiles. The rest of the Blackthorn teachers look shocked.

I hand them over the two boys.

"And the..." Mrs de Bloom starts.

"The day diamond? Here you go." I say, handing over the jewel.

"A+ Miss Morgan for finishing so soon. I think a fail is in need for your partner." Says Mr Solomon.

"Whom was watching the footage?" Mrs de Bloom asks.

"I was, Mr Goode ditched Ms Morgan at the fork." Says Mr Solomon.

Everyone looks shocked and shrugs it off.

Each teacher were assigned a different pair of people to watch and through the cameras but they all ditch their pairs to watch the re-run of mine.

It takes a two hours for the next pair to come in. Bex is dragging Grant, Nick and Liz.

"They shit Liz before I could do anything about it." Bex says, pointing to the tranquilizer dart in Liz's but.

She hands over what looks like a micro-chip to the teachers and we start to talk about our missions.

That was so fun to write.

Well, everyone. As usual please vote and comment. I hate it when people like the books and message me about it. When they even tell me to update soon and only vote on one of the chapters.


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