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Zach POV

I thought that the Gallagher Girls coming to our school was a rematch, I  guess that I was wrong. We lost to them, again. My hero, the Chameleon already knows my school better than me and I have been going here since I was twelve!

Grant is demanding a rematch and Chameleon and Duchess I whispering and sniggering in a corner.

"Umm, sir. Bex and I think that we should all work on blocking. The boys we fought were really lacking that skill." My hero... I mean Cammie says.

Our teacher nods and it bothers me, a lot. We are partners up and Grant and I are partners with... well, you can most likely guess.

"Okay, when I punch you, please at least try to duck?" Cammie says saying it like a question.

"I can defend myself, I know how, I don't need any advice!" I say, my temper is very high at the moment and soon I am going to explode.

"Well, when we fought you must have magically lost your ability to be able to do so." She says with a lot of sarcasm in her voice.

So that is what goes on for the next hour. She punches and kicks me and most of the time I... am un able to block or duck it. I do the same to her and very few times was she unable to duck or block them.

We soon finish and Bex and Cammie go down the tunnel we came through to leave. I follow them as they walk through the tunnel, just a few meters behind. Soon they take a right hand turn and, when I get to where they turned, there was no opening. I just go back since we haven't walked far and go through a shortcut I know. We have got languages next and this tunnel through bushes leads just to the entrance next to that classroom, I know that I will be early. Very early, about ten minutes to the rest because by taking the normal route you get to the other side of our facility. I get into class and go to my desk. Only to see it occupied by two girls whom went down a tunnel to get here.

"H-how?" Is all I manage but all they do is snigger.

Soon the rest of the sophomore year, both schools, enter the classroom. They all sit down, Peacock and Bookworm ending up behind the other two of their crew.

Mrs de Bloom ends up coming in and we all greet her. She then addresses all of us and explains what we have to do.

We are each partnered up with someone. In our partners we are either good or bad. We are told who we are up against and we then all depart with our partners.

This is more of a cove ops lesson than anything else.

"Zach, since you are such a pavement artist you shall be partnered with the Gallagher Girl equivalent." Says Mrs de Bloom.

No no no no no!

I am going to freeze, wait, no. I am going to be an idiot again because I like her.

Wait... Did I just actually say that?

"We are partnered up with Cove Ops today since it is really good to compromise. You need to get used to different topics being mixed together for the near future." Says Mrs de Bloom.

Okay, so this was just a filler chapter and I know how badly I wrote it. Still, I hope you enjoyed it.

But, before I go I am going to go off on a little rant because I am annoyed of this happening.

People very often read my books and comment about how they enjoy it. I know that that is not a lot of people but if they enjoy can they at least vote for the chapter! I mean, seriously. I have one friend (like, real life) who is busy reading my (very stupid) book called Chip Horse! She enjoys it and even tells me that in person but never votes! It makes me really riled up because I work really hard on my books! So please, just comment and vote. Tell your friends who also like Gallagher Girls because I would love for a few more traders. Just different people whom would actually enjoy reading it. It would make my day to have more readers.

Oh, and before I finish my little rant. If you enjoy my books, please follow me. I love it when I look at my followers and see someone there I don't know.

Well, thanks for putting up with my rant. Hopefully you didn't just skip it and only read the chapter.


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