Guess who

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Wow, I haven't updated for forever... I owe you all. Okay, so here's the next chapter. Personally, this chapter is late due.

Cammie POV

As Josh drags me, through passage after passage, confusion is swept through me. All these passages I know but something seems off about them.

That thing is Josh wearing a ski mask.

"Okay, I know that you have these passages mapped, so I need your help." He says.

"Explanation first." I say as I stop running and lean against the stone wall, with my arms crossed.

"All in due time, princess." As that small, weird nickname slips off his tongue I sit down, crossing my legs.

"Well, considering my personal rules for life, what better time is there than now."


I start walking away but he stops me by putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Fine, short or long explanation?" He says.

"Short, I need to get to AP Chemistry."

"I work with a spy agency. I was using you to get information, since you were always daddy's little girl."

When those last three words slip out of his mouth, anger surges through me.

I walk out, were, more like slip out through another covered up passage. I then enter a hidden room and cry my eyes out until they burn.

Mr Solomons POV

"Where's Cammie?" I ask the class as they all sit down.

"I don't know, she wasn't at Chemistry either. We think she ran away."

At that precise moment, Josh storms into the room. Glaring at everyone he passes. He plops down at his desk.

Zach stands up in a threatening manner and goes to greet him.

"Where's Cammie."

"She ran away from me."


"Because I called her daddy's little girl."

This chapter was such a filler chapter. Oh well, 😔 I hope you at least enjoyed it.

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