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Marienette p.o.v/

What. Did. He. Just. Ask. Me?????? There is no way Nathaniel could have just asked me to be his date to the ball. Am I dreaming? Am I still asleep during class? Wake up Marienette! Wake UP!

" Um... Mari?" His voice snaps me back to reality. "Are you okay?" His face looks scrunched up in worry.

"Y-yeah!" I say "I'm perfectly fine." I smile even though whatever just happened is still trying to be processed.

"Soo... Do you want to go with me?" A thought flashes in his eyes and he turns almost as red as his hair. "U-unless you don't want to go with me. Th-that's totally fine. I-I understand." He turns back around and starts to walk away.

I feel bad for him. I don't know why. It never came to my thoughts that someone would want to ask me. So I decide to give it a shot. It's not like anyone was going to ask me to the ball anyway. "Hey Nathaniel!" I jog to catch up with him. "I'll go with you to the ball."

"Really?" He seems surprised "No one else has asked you yet?"

I laugh at the thought that anyone would ask me. "No. But I would be glad to go with you to the ball."

"Thank you! Do you want be matching? What color tie should I wear? And my mask how will that be?" He started frantically asking questions and worrying about the clothing.

I laugh because it's sort of funny to watch. Is this what I seem like to Alya when I see Adrien coming our way? "Nathan. It's cool. Just wear a red tie with a black tux if you have one." A dress begins to form in my mind. "I'm going to wear a red dress. I actually have to go now so that the design that I have in mind doesn't slip away." I point to the direction that my house is in.

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry. Go ahead. I get that." He smiles and it reaches his eyes. "Bye!" He waves as I run home.

"Bye!" I waved back. The door closes behind me in a whoosh as I rush. "Hi mom! Hi dad!" They greet me in return but I'm already up the stairs and in my room. And then I get lost as my thoughts flow onto my sketchbook. My hand drawing the perfect dress for the Masquerade next Friday.

Kill me. Yes I know I haven't updated in FOREVER. But I hope this is good enough. Anyways thank you for reading and until next time!

-J out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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