Choker, Choke Her, Joker.

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"Mister J!" You squealed like a child.

Your boyfriend, the bad prince of Gotham had you pinned against he wall. His smile never faltered as he knelt down and picked you up over his shoulder like luggage.

"Tsk tsk," He clicked his tongue softly, "Behave yourself honey.."

"Mister J, put me down! I want to watch my show!" Your growling made the prince stop in his tracks. He grinned to himself and put you down on the closest surface, a table. You were confused yet within a matter of seconds his hands tickled your sides, making you scream and throw into a fit of giggles.

"M-M-Mist-!" You were cut off mid-sentence by a pair of grinning ruby lips.

"Hush hush.. Babydoll, you need to more careful.." He cooed, "You're makin' Daddy anxious.."

"Wha-?" Your glanced down, realizing that yours and the Joker's hips were against each other and your squirming was in fact grinding your body against his.

"Sorry Mister J. . ." You mumbled, looking away.

Joker's smile vanished, being replaced with a dominant scowl, and before you could register on what was happening your wrists were pushed above your head and he was carrying you somewhere.

"J? Where are we goin'?" You touched the prince's hair gently, twirling it around your fingers.

"Babygirl, Pumpkin, Sugar, Doll, . . . I want to play with you."

He stopped abruptly at a door that read in slight grunge-y cursive with bolded letters. You blushed crimson, widening your eyes.

Playroom, Keep Out

"Babygirl?" He whispered heavily into your ear, "Let's play shall we?"

  Hey hey hey, it's me! Lmao these are extremely fun to write so expect more chapters! (; Woo! Might make a part two to this! 😱

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