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The flashes covered more of her body than her clothes.

The cameraman, a smiling criminal.

The camera roll, full of photos.

Photos of the cameraman's queen.


Joker snapped her at all angles as she laid on his gold and white bed. Her eyes were focused on him as he smiled devilishly at her. The man couldn't help himself but spoil himself with her body, she was all his and no one else. His queen, only covered in his sheets, pulled lightly at her light blue hair with green tips. She loved her king with all the love she could give, and he loved to take pictures of her after a.. naughty.. time together. He was afraid that he would forget how her skin glistened in the morning light so he rotated around the giant canopy bed with his $900 camera, only used for his personal pictures.

"Daddy?~" His queen yawned softly.

"Yes?" He hummed softly.

"I'm sorry, but tonight you made me so exhausted.. I want to sleep."

"Sleep my queen, I'm almost done here. You are so so so beautiful, I have to capture it forever where I cannot lose it. God damn, baby, you're a sin.." The king growled and took one last picture of the king and his queen kissing passionately. Her fingers found their way to his hair as his cupped her face. Their tongues intertwined and ran across each other slowly.

The Joker wasn't known for this side, the soft, loving, caring, and down right happy side. He reserved this for his lover, for she was the only one who he thought deserved to see.

The two slowly split apart from each others mouth, a strand of saliva still connecting their flushed red lips. Joker's fingers brushed across his lovers thighs as he laid down with her. His arm draped over her waistline and his head on hers. Their legs tangled together in the most perfect way possible as they looked at each other with love and lust. They always exchanged this look whether they were in danger or simply eating together. He couldn't live without her, and her, him.

"I love you, my queen, my love, my scrumptious babygirl." He smiled gently in her hair that smelled like him.

"I can't describe how much I love you Joker, my king, my love, my delicious Daddy."

/Literally I love it. I'm PROUD of this one.

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