Body Language » Gay

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Joker was a man of many words. But when it came to his lover, he couldn't speak properly. So Joker just let his body do the talking.


A room.

Filled with shining crystals and stacks of cash that surrounded their large draped bed.

It was late, not a source of light to be seen other than the glow of Joker's phone.

"Babe?" A voice, low and strained from sleep.

The Joker turned his torso so look at his lover. His pale shoulders were smoother than porcelain, and his eyes glowed blue in the night like a star. His dark hair blushed over his glowing eyes and ears. Those lips he's always had the desire to bite on, we're slightly parted and formed into a tired pout. And the ring on his delicate hand shimmering like how Joker's heart flutters at the sight of his one true love.

"Baaabe?" He muttered once more.

Joker cleared his throat and licked his lips.

"Yes, love?" He went soft hearted at his own words. The Joker was supposed to be dark, mysterious and cold blooded. And he was, except when he was with the boy he only desired for with all of his being.

"Go to bed already please, if you're grumpy tomorrow you'll get no love tomorrow night." His soft voice threatened the deadly man without fear. And the Joker loved that.

The green haired man rolled over and hugged his beloved tightly in apologies and shut his eyes.

"Hey J? Why don't you talk with me more?" The soft voice whispered all too closely to Joker's ear, making his body tingle.

The clown couldn't say much in general, but it was worse when he looked at his sweet Prince Charming. His love for the boy made his words falter and shake like a half built chair. It just wouldn't sit right.

Joker sighed and held his boy closer to him, inhaling the sweet scent of his perfume.

"J?" The boy poked his older lover's cheek, "are you alright?" He asked with quirked eyebrows.

"Tired.." was all Joker could mumble in attempt at conversation.

"Then let's go to sleep baby okay?" He smiled sweetly, making the Dark Prince melt inside and out.

Though he couldn't sat much, the smile from Joker's face was a whole book.

//this sucked. And I needed to update. I'm a loser.

Go check out my new book, Sparks //yoonmin 💜

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