Mr. J's Boy

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(Boy reader x Joker ;})

Daniel walked down the blood stained hallway with a swish of his bat and a jump to his bat. His bright red hair falling off his shoulders and laying on his leather covered back.

"Ugh," He groaned, "There's blood on my bat.. It's so pretty.."

A loud thud cascaded from behind him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Daniel, I didn't expect to see you here.~ Riddle me, why this?" The Riddler chuckled whilst pulling out his cane.

On the cane was a certain mask no one could misidentify. The Bats'.

"How do you have that?" Daniel spoke loudly, making his voice echo.

"I may have twisted a few minds to find where he resides... But never mind that! I have something for you to deliver."

"What is it exactly that you want me to deliver?" He bit on his dimple piercings, making them jut out slightly.

"Information." He spoke low now. He swiftly kicked a folder over to Daniel and began to walk away.

"Give that to my dear friend Jack. He'll do the rest."

And with those last words, he was gone.

-Time skip to the Joker's front door-

"What do you want?" A goon of his boomed at the redhead.

"I have a present from the Riddler to deliver, now move."

Daniel presented the folder and growled. He didn't want to kill this goon, but he would if it was necessary.

"You're not stepping a foot into this place bud, go away." The goon slammed the door.

Daniel's blood boiled. Swiftly he kicked down the door making it fly a few feet away from him.

"Joker! Come get your damn information from The Riddler so I can go!" He screamed and looked around. Tons of his costumed goons we're looking for a fight as they picked up their guns and chuckled.

"I'll kill you all I swear.." He mumbled.

With a flick of Daniel's fingers the room was filled with ice. All of the goons were frozen in place.

"I'd like it if you didn't do that." A new voice laughed maniacally.

"Oh shut up will you?" Daniel threw the folder to the dark spot in the room, and out came Joker. His grin shined from the grill, and his hair electrified green. Adding to his clown touch was a purple jacket.

"I like your spunk, what's your name?" He growled softly

Daniel didn't answer as he walked out of the doorless gap. Quickly he snapped his fingers and the room was normal again, making Joker look at him in astonishment.

"Hey." Joker growled a little louder.

"What?" Daniel spun around his heel to look at the green haired man.

The Joker looked him up and down, smirking to himself before deciding to flirt with him.

"I asked what your name was baby."

"Baby? Baby??" Daniel's eyes became a cold steel grey and so did his hair.

Soon the room became very dark and only the Joker and Daniel stood in it.

"Listen to me, doll. I am not your baby, I am the thing that haunts your dreams." 

Daniel was close to the clown's face, grinning madly. Yet the Joker did not falter, inside he was impressed.

"How can I change that?" The Joker's expression turned into a small smirk, "Because I wasn't trying to make you upset dear, I just want to get to know you."

"Well I'm busy so no, I came here to deliver something and I did. Goodbye."

The room became normal again, and Daniel was gone.

"He's feisty that one..." The Joker pondered, "I love it."

/Oh yeaaaaaaaah
(victory dances like Vector)

😭 Hi guys! It's the author! Just wanted to express how tired I am with a really bad chapter I'm sorry!

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