..::Belts & Kisses::..

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Part One

   Joker tapped his knife against his work desk impatiently as he waited for the familiar sound of his darling's footsteps. Though it has been half an hour he was still waiting for his message back. Darling Y/N hasn't answered on what his special Valentine's Day surprise was for Mister J. This made the Joker anxious and needy. He wanted to know, so heartedly that he would melt away from not knowing.

He still waited, though it has been an hour, and the grandfather clock struck Seven O'clock PM. J picked up his files about the Penguin and a few others that crossed the grinning clown's bad side, and set them away into a safe drawer before locking it thrice in multiple pins and switches. Only Hell knows how to get into that drawer, and he is the one that locked it. As he put away various parts of his research his phone vibrated on the dark-wood desk and his Darling's face shown brightly from the screen. Happily and intrigued the Joker answered it, "Yes pet? You called?"

The soft chuckle from Y/N filled Joker's ears and made goosebumps form all over his body. Y/N replied simply with, "Open your door Mister J..." Then ended the call. . .

/Please enjoy part one of this chapter 🌚

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